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Access variable from other script

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Use the Add button to add a new entry to the list, then you can drag-n-drop whatever object you need at that index.


This is what I don't understand, the spell array is going to be populated (correct terminology?) later by the script when it runs, I have no way of knowing what is to go in there.

Can arrays not be accessed from other scripts this way?



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For understanding:

Spell[] myArray             ; script variable

as same as

Spell[] PROPERTY myArray auto Hidden     ; script property which cannot be prefilled by CK (because Hidden flag), treated like variable above

by using this construct you have to (or can) pre-assign the entries of the array as IsharaMeradin posted

Spell[] PROPERTY myArray auto            ; script property that is predefined in length and entries by CK

I would suggest following "and sorry for breaking in to this posting"



Scriptname dz_player_only_enter_skse extends ObjectReference
;;we set the arrays and variables as properties so that they can be accessed from other scripts such as dz_player_only_leave_skse
; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8244443-access-variable-from-other-script/page-2

  Form[] Fight                            ; array for equipped weapons, shield, ammo, torch, shout (if any)
  ; [0] Weapon equippedleft
  ; [1] Weapon equippedright
  ; [2] Armor  player_shield
  ; [3] Ammo   player_ammo
  ; [4] Light  player_torch
  ; [5] Shout  player_shout

  Spell[] Spell_1                         ; array for all equipped spells (if any)
  ; [0] Left hand
  ; [1] Right hand
  ; [2] Other
  ; [3] Instant        ; you cannot re_equip this spell !!

  Armor[] Property Armor_1 auto Hidden  ; for armour slots 30 to 49 incl.
  Armor[] Property Armor_2 auto Hidden  ; for armour slots 52 to 61 incl.

  Bool  Property disrobed     auto      ; to track player naked
  Int   Property iCameraState auto      ; this will store the view mode, 0 = first person

  Actor Property PlayerRef Auto         ; this allows us to use the fast PlayerRef reference

; -- Events -- 3

EVENT OnInit()
; triggered once only at first script contact with new game or saved game !!!
    Debug.Trace(" OnInit() - has been reached.. " +self)

EVENT OnCellAttach()
; event triggered every time when the cell of this trigger is part of players parent cells attachement
; player is going into the triggerbox cell

EVENT OnCellDetach()
; event triggered every time when the cell of this trigger will be removed from players ..
; player is leaving the triggerbox cell

EVENT OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference triggerRef)
    ; your code

EVENT OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference triggerRef)
    ; your code

; -- FUNCTIONs --

FUNCTION myF_Init(Bool bOK)
IF ( bOK )                 ; init arrays in size you need
    Armor_1 = new Armor[20]
    Armor_2 = new Armor[10]
    Spell_1 = new Spell[4]
    Fight   = new Form[6]          ; (Fight.Length == 6)
    Armor[] a
    Armor_1 = a           ; destroy array of type armor
    Armor_2 = a
    Spell[] b
    Spell_1 = b           ; destroy array of type spell

    Form[] c
    Fight = c             ; destroy array of type form



Edited by ReDragon2013
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Now my second problem, I wish to attach the same script to two items (pools) and then have a second script attached to a third item - doorway exit, and have the variables from the first script accessible by the second.

I've got this working for one pool, thanks to everyone here; but since the property in the second script has to reference that pool (triggerbox) it can't reference the second pool.

What should I be reading up on if this is possible?

Will I have to rename the script and double the variables?



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I had an idea that if I put the variables/property in the doorway exit script and put a property in the two pool entrance scripts I could access the exit script variables from the two pool scripts.

I got the scripts to compile, but not joy so far:


doorway exit script:



scriptname dz_player_NPC_leave2_skse Extends ObjectReference
Actor  Property  PlayerRef    Auto    ;this allows us to use the fast PlayerRef reference

Spell  Property dz_undress_spell  Auto       ;this is the spell that will undress NPCs

MagicEffect Property dz_undress_effect Auto    ;this is the magic effect from the spell
;;;we require access to the stored variables from dz_player_NPC_enter_skse scriptname

;dz_player_NPC_enter_skse Property dz_ent Auto
Form[] Property Fight   Auto Hidden       ;[0] Weapon equippedleft, [1] Weapon equippedright, [2] Armor  player_shield, [3] Ammo   player_ammo
Armor[] Property Armor_1  Auto Hidden       ;for armour slots 30 to 49 incl.

Armor[] Property Armor_2  Auto Hidden       ;for armour slots 52 to 61 incl.
Spell[] Property Spell_1  Auto Hidden       ;this array will hold all equipped spells
Bool  Property disrobed  Auto                  ;to track player naked

Bool Property First  Auto

;define variable for camera state

int  Property iCameraState Auto 
Event OnInit()


Armor_1 = new Armor[20]

    Armor_2 = new Armor[10]

    Spell_1 = new Spell[4]

Fight   = new Form[5]

First = False

Disrobed = False

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference triggerRef)

Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference triggerRef)     ;this is triggered when exiting the trigger box

;debug.messagebox("camera is "+iCameraState)

If (triggerRef as Actor)


  Return                 ;if not exit the function


If triggerRef == PlayerRef          ;checks to see if the trigger is the player

  debug.messagebox("Dressing the Player")

  dz_redress_player_F()          ;if so call the function to re-dress the player


If triggerRef as Actor           ;is the trigger an actor (NPC)?

  dz_redress_NPC_F(triggerRef as Actor)      ;then re-dress the NPC


Function dz_redress_player_F()          ;define the function to re-dress the player
If ( disrobed == True )          ;is the player undressed

;debug.messagebox("disrobed = "+disrobed)


;debug.messagebox("disrobed = "+disrobed)

    Return                  ;the player is not undressed, exit the function

;debug.messagebox("iCameraState = "+iCameraState)
If (SKSE.GetVersion() > 0)

;return to first person if necessary

;If Game.IsCamSwitchControlsEnabled()         ;switch cam is possible for player

       If ( First == True )         ; skse function

   ; change to third person if not already

   Game.ForceFirstPerson()                  ; 1st Person

   First = False



; https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=EquipItemEx_-_Actor
int i                ;for using arrays below

armor AR

If (SKSE.GetVersion() > 0)

;re-equip the first armour array

i = armor_1.Length

While (i)

  i = i - 1

  AR = armor_1[i]

  If ( AR )

   PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(AR, 0, False, True)         ;skse function




;re-equip the second armour array

i = armor_2.Length

While (i)

  i = i - 1

  AR = armor_2[i]

  If ( AR )

   PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(AR, 0, False, True)         ;skse function


;re-equip weapons

If ( Fight[0] as Weapon )              ;equippedLeft

  PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(Fight[0],  2, False, True)     ;skse function

If ( Fight[1] as Weapon )              ;equippedRight

  PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(Fight[1], 1, False, True)      ;skse function

;re-equip shield

If ( Fight[2] as Armor )               ;player_shield

  PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(Fight[2], 0, False, True)      ;skse function

;re-equip ammo

debug.messagebox("The Ammo is "+Fight[3])

If ( Fight[3] as Ammo )                  ;player_ammo

  PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(Fight[3], 0, False, True)      ;skse function

;re-equip torch

If ( Fight[4] as Light )

  PlayerRef.EquipItemEx(Fight[4], 0, False, True)

Else                ;do not use skse functions

;re-equip the first armour array

i = armor_1.Length

;debug.messagebox("Armor1 Length = "+armor_1.length)

While (i)

  i = i - 1

  AR = armor_1[i]

  ;debug.messagebox("Armour = "+armor_1[i])

  If ( AR )

   PlayerRef.EquipItem(AR, False, True)     ;vanilla function




;re-equip the second armour array

i = armor_2.Length

While (i)

  i = i - 1

  AR = armor_2[i]

  If ( AR )

   PlayerRef.EquipItem(AR, False, True)     ;vanilla function


;re-equip weapons

If ( Fight[0] as Weapon )        ; equippedLeft

  PlayerRef.EquipItem(Fight[0], False, True)         ;vanilla function

If ( Fight[1] as Weapon )        ; equippedRight

  PlayerRef.EquipItem(Fight[1], False, True)     ;vanilla function;

;re-equip shield

If ( Fight[2] as Armor )        ; player_shield

  PlayerRef.EquipItem(Fight[2], False, True)     ;vanilla function

;re-equip ammo             ;this function can't be used without skse

;If ( Fight[3] as Ammo)            ; player_ammo

  ;PlayerRef.EquipItem(Fight[3], 0, False, True)      


;re-equip spells

i = spell_1.Length

While (i)

  i = i - 1

  spell sp = spell_1[i]

  If ( sp )   

   PlayerRef.EquipSpell(sp, i)


disrobed = False           ;store the dressed state of the player

Function dz_redress_NPC_F(Actor NPCRef)

If (NPCRef as Actor).HasMagicEffect(dz_undress_effect)  ;does the NPC have the spell on them?

  NPCRef.DispelSpell(dz_undress_spell)      ;dispell the undress spell on the NPC







the script on the two pool entrances



scriptname dz_player_NPC_enter2_skse Extends ObjectReference
;;we set the arrays and variables as properties so that they can be accessed from other scripts such as dz_player_only_leave_skse

Actor  Property PlayerRef    Auto     ;this allows us to use the fast PlayerRef reference

Spell  Property dz_undress_spell  Auto        ;this is the spell that will undress NPCs

MagicEffect Property dz_undress_effect  Auto     ;this is the magic effect from the spell
dz_player_NPC_leave2_skse Property dz_ent Auto
;/ Form[] Property Fight   Auto Hidden       ;[0] Weapon equippedleft, [1] Weapon equippedright, [2] Armor  player_shield, [3] Ammo   player_ammo
Armor[] Property Armor_1  Auto Hidden       ;for armour slots 30 to 49 incl.

Armor[] Property Armor_2  Auto Hidden       ;for armour slots 52 to 61 incl.
Spell[] Property Spell_1  Auto Hidden       ;this array will hold all equipped spells
Bool  Property disrobed  Auto                  ;to track player naked

Bool Property First  Auto

;define variable for camera state

int  Property iCameraState Auto  /;        ;this will store the view mode, 0 = first person
; -- Events -- 3

;/ Event OnInit()


    dz_ent.Armor_1 = new Armor[20]

    dz_ent.Armor_2 = new Armor[10]

    dz_ent.Spell_1 = new Spell[4]

    dz_ent.Fight   = new Form[5]

EndEvent /;
Event OnCellAttach()             ;event triggered every time when the cell of this trigger is part of players parent cells attachement

;debug.messagebox("Entering cell")

;player is going into the triggerbox cell, we need to prevent activating the change to first person code in dz_player_only_leave_skse

dz_ent.iCameraState = 1

;in this script the combat checks are in the events, in my mcm scripts the combat checks are in the player undress functions

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference triggerRef)     ;this is triggered when entering the trigger box

If (triggerRef as Actor)          ;is the trigger an actor?


  Return                 ;if not exit the function


If triggerRef == PlayerRef && !PlayerRef.isincombat()   ;checks to see if the trigger is the player and also not in combat

  dz_undress_player_F()          ;if so call the function to undress the player

  return              ;we are done, exit the function


If triggerRef as Actor           ;is the trigger an actor (NPC)?

  dz_undress_NPC_F(triggerRef as Actor)      ;then call the function to undress the NPC


Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference triggerRef)



Ammo Function GetEquippedAmmo(Actor aRef)


; returns the ammo equipped by the passed in actor, otherwise it returns NONE

int i

If ( aRef )              ;is the actor valid?

        i = aRef.GetNumItems()          ;skse function

While i > 0

        i -= 1

        Form AM = aRef.GetNthForm(i)        ;skse function

        If AM as Ammo && aRef.IsEquipped(AM)

            Return AM as Ammo



        Return None                   ;no ammunition

Form Function GetEquippedTorch(Actor aRef)

If aRef.GetEquippedItemType(0) == 11

  Form TCH = aRef.GetEquippedObject(0)      ;skse function

  Return TCH


Function dz_undress_player_F()          ;define the function to undress the player

If (SKSE.GetVersion() > 0)
;If Game.IsCamSwitchControlsEnabled()       ;switch cam is possible for player

  dz_ent.iCameraState = Game.GetCameraState()      ;skse function

  If ( dz_ent.iCameraState == 0)

   ; change to third person       

   dz_ent.First = True

   Game.ForceThirdPerson()                  ;3rd Person





Game.ForceThirdPerson()                    ;3rd Person

If ( dz_ent.disrobed )

Return                  ;if the player is already undressed exit the function



dz_ent.disrobed = True                       ;set the player is undressed variable
; get weapons

dz_ent.Fight[0] = PlayerRef.GetEquippedWeapon(True) as Form      ;store equippedleft in Fight array

    dz_ent.Fight[1] = PlayerRef.GetEquippedWeapon(False) as Form     ;store equippedright in Fight array
; get shield

    dz_ent.Fight[2] = PlayerRef.GetEquippedShield() as Form          ;store player_shield in Fight array

If (SKSE.GetVersion() > 0)

; get ammo

    dz_ent.Fight[3] = GetEquippedAmmo(PlayerRef) as Form             ;store player ammo in Fight array using custom function

debug.messagebox("Ammo is "+dz_ent.Fight[3])

;get torch

dz_ent.Fight[4] = GetEquippedTorch(PlayerRef) as Form             ;store player torch in Fight array using custom function

int i ;for filling arrays below

    i = dz_ent.spell_1.Length            ;should be 4

    While (i)              ;loop through array indexes

  ;debug.messagebox("i = "+i)

        i = i - 1

        dz_ent.spell_1[i] = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(i)     ;fill the spell_1 array - [0] Left hand, [1] Right hand, [2] Other, [3] Instant

  ;debug.messagebox("Spell = "+spell_1[i])

; fill the first armour array

    i = dz_ent.armor_1.length            ;should be 20

    While (i)              ;loop through array indexes

  ;debug.messagebox("i = "+(i + 30))

        i = i - 1

        dz_ent.armor_1[i] = PlayerRef.GetEquippedArmorInSlot(i + 30)  ;fill armour slots 30 to 49 incl

  ;debug.messagebox("Armour = "+armor_1[i])

; fill the second armour array

    i = dz_ent.armor_2.length            ;shoulod be 10

    While (i)              ;loop through array indexes

        i = i - 1

        dz_ent.armor_2[i] = PlayerRef.GetEquippedArmorInSlot(i + 52)  ;fill armour slots 52 to 61 incl.

    PlayerRef.UnEquipAll()                 ;undress the player player

Function dz_undress_NPC_F(Actor NPCRef)

If (NPCRef as Actor).HasMagicEffect(dz_undress_effect)   ;is the NPC already undressed

  Return              ;if so we are done, exit the function


dz_undress_spell.Cast(NPCRef, NPCRef)          ; cast the undress spell on the NPC







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I have managed to get this to work, with an unexplainable (by me) caveat. If I disable my mod plugins, start an old game save that has never seen any mods, fast travel to the site of the player home that I'm writing this patch for, and save; then reload the new save with my patch enabled; it only works if I was using skse when I made the second save. If I was not using skse when making the second save and I restart the game using skse then the patch doesn't work, and by doesn't work I mean the redressing doesn't happen, undressing happens, change of 1st/3rd person happens, which means that the undress and redress functions are being called. Using debug notifications I can see that the filling of the arrays and variables for equipped items doesn't happen.


Now if I quit, unistall the player home, restart - using skse, save, quit, reinstall the player home, restart and load that save then the patch works. so there is a way for users to get the patch to work without goping back a save but it is a faff. Assuming that the user did not already have skse installed, which they might not have.


I'm not sure I want to publish this patch while I don't understand what is going on. Any ideas?



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Just tell users that if they did not have SKSE installed prior to wanting to use this patch, then they need to install SKSE and start the game and make a save at least once before adding in the patch.


Not sure why it is happening that way. Maybe because you are at the site where the home is located when making the save and loading the patch? Try approaching the area from another location instead of saving right on the spot.

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Try approaching the area from another location instead of saving right on the spot.


Indeed, that works, as long as the player hasn't already been to the player home first.

It occurs to me - see what sleep can do:) - that perhaps the reason for all this is that this player home uses unequipall on both NPC and player, but only manages to redress the NPC. To keep the mod authors intent but add player redressing I have had to disable the existing undressing scripts in favour of my own. Upon saving, perhaps the original scripts are baked into the save and then still act, even though my patch disables them? Still don't see why saving with skse enabled makes a difference though.


Sudden thought, perhaps my mistake is to use the original trigger boxes, the two pool entrance ones and the doorway exit?

If I disabled those they wouldn't be baked into the save would they? Then recreated my own in the same places with my scripts attached.


Shall try.




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