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Expand inventory limits?


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So I've won big at the Sotenbori casino thanks to the game's gambling cheat items, and I'm buying a bunch of platinum plates in order to turn those chips into cash. The problem is, the max amount of plates you can carry at once is 10, and I can afford way more than that. This means I have to buy ten plates, then run to the pawn shop to sell them, then run back to the casino and buy ten more plates, repeat. This is tiresome, and I'm wondering if there's a way to raise the max amount of plates (or, indeed, any item) you can carry at once. Has anyone encountered something that might make that possible when modding YK2?

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So I did some quick calculation and all of the plates you can buy with chips at the casino (in Sotenbori, at least) and then pawn for yen have a yen-to-chip ratio/value/etc of 66.666... yen per chip. This leads me to believe that in order to get the most value for money, you don't have to only buy and pawn the platinum plates, you can buy the max of all of the plates and you'll still end up with the same amount of money when you've bought and sold all your plates. So really this question is no longer necessary, but I think there might still be some value in figuring out just what all in YK2 can be modded.

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