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Next dialog line on click?


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Well you can just hit the tilde key " ~ " During the dialogue screen ... which will freeze the visual and advancement to the next line of "Response Text" But not the audio file that plays for it.

So if you hit the tilde key early in the dialogue ... listen to the audio , then hit it again.

It will make you watch the lip file before it goes on to the next. But of course can advance it with the enter key anytime.


Hmmm ... seems like you could come up with a mod to run a quest script (low process delay)

using a script block of ...


Begin MenuMode 1009 ; dialogue


Pause the game some how waiting for player input ???

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Glad the hack mode works for ya.

I spent time looking at the game settings and .ini settings , testing a few that seemed like they should at least increase delay. ( before I figured out the console mode would do it )

And none would change the delay. I'm guessing those settings were there from Oblivion , but Fo3 just did their own hard coded way , which bypassed the usual user input points.


But possibly with how the bullet time mods work , there may be a way in that formula to do what you want for a polished mod ?

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Sad ?!? Nah these are the Game / Geck mysteries I live for :pirate: ARRrrr


Thank you for posing the question :thumbsup:


Not that I will eventually try to solve it , because of the many Ideas I have already in the works.

But somebody reading this may ?

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