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Can't buy 1 month premium


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Whenever i try to buy the 1 month plan premium it redirects me to this site and gives me this message


You must select at least one package to purchase

Need Help?

I know for certain that i selected the 1 month plan, but if i try to buy any of the other plans, it goes straight to payment, with no error message.

Is this just for me or is it like this for everyone?

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Hey Sigge310,


We're aware of the issue and there is a workaround here : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8254253-cant-buy-premium-you-must-select-at-least-one-package-to-purchase-but-i-have/


At the moment we've not been able to track down exactly what causes this, but it may be something in the forum code which we can't fix properly until we move to a new payment system.

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  • 2 months later...

So I encountered this issue and while doing the workaround on my PC, I noticed that I had an open invoice for a lapsed 1 month subscription from a year ago. I canceled that invoice, then tried to subscribe to a 1 month, it gave me an error that a subscription already exists. After some futzing around, I restored the previous invoice and could easily resubscribe it (which I guess I could've done before, but I was being stubborn).


Could it be people are encountering the issue because they had a lapsed 1 month subscription and it's mucking up your system somehow? And since 1 month subs are probably the most common, nobody with a lapsed 6+ month sub has encountered the bug yet.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 7 months later...

This problem has persisted for over a year now and somehow no one has managed to figure out how to fix it?


Sadly, it just can't be fixed in the current system. The good news is, we're working on a brand new membership system that should be ready later in the year which is considerably more streamlined and has been custom built so we'll be able to more easily fix any potential issues.

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