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An idea for you guys again!


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The last time I was here I was asking about a quick conflict patcher idea/solution and if it was possible to have the app manage the items you download from a folder just like the mods folder but more organized by labeling your folders by type (Armor and Weapons, spells and other things etc) and a way the app can identify what kind of collisions would happen once added to the game plus give you the option to avoid that manually or quietly patch itself


(Change Red to Green and let me know when I can't have anymore mods of that type!!).


maybe a pop up of some sort that lets you edit the item slot for some games if you catch my drift. I kind of worded this better in my last post I thought too so I wanted to mention you go back and read that one again.

I will leave a link to the thread down below lol.





it's a really good idea it just needs some thought.

Edited by Satori42
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