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SmartHunter for Iceborne


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Hello there,
my name's Gabriele Filipponi and I'm currently the new manteiner of the SmartHunter overlay.
Firstly I would like to point out that I'm only updating a few stuff for the overlay and give whole credits to the original author (r00telement) of this wonderful mod, also for his excellent work he have done when he wrote the code. Never saw a better written project.
Now for the mod itself:
1)You can find the code at this repo;
2)Please read README.md, when visiting the repo as it contains "How to install", "How to update" and "How to use" (yeah you can fix a lot of stuff just by reading this tiny file);
3)If you have any problem please use the issue tracker on github in my repo;
4)As for now Player Buff Widget Monsters Removable Parts and Monster Status Effects are is NOT working and I'm trying to figure out how to make them works again;
5)I will update this thread with a changelog for every new commit.
If you have any advice or request for the mod please let me know.
Thanks for reading this,
Have a nice day :smile:
EDIT 29-01-2020:
1)Added Monster Statuses, NOT rage and stamina.
2)A few statuses are labaled with numbers as i don't know their names, so if you find a status that you know just report it so I can add it in a future patch.
3)Bug fixes
EDIT 30-01-2020:
1)Fixed AutoUpdater module to properly update json files.
EDIT 31-01-2020:
1)Added rage timer.
2)Bug fixes.
EDIT 03-02-2020:
1)Added Monster Removable Parts.
2)Bug fix.
EDIT 07-02-2020;
1)Fixed all the things that were broken after the new patch hitted.
2)Added Rajang (NOTE: I've labelled the first removable part as HORNS and the second one as the TAIL, if my assumption is NOT correct please report it to me so i can fix it).
3)I've almost figured how to read buffs (for the player widget). So stay tuned :smile:
EDIT 09-02-2020:
1)Bug fix.
2)Initial support for player widget (buff widget)
3)NEW: I've added equipment recharging time to the player widget.
EDIT 18-02-2020:
IMPORTANT: With this update i recommend you to do a clean install (as I've added a few new keys in Config.json
1)Fixed Monster sizes, Removable Parts and Weapon Buffs (long sword)
2)Added Stamina
3)Added a new DebugWidget (hidden by default)
4)Now widgets won't show in ALT+TAB
5)Added Fast Pattern Scanning -> After the first run the app will write the addressed in a file to get faster access on successives runs (it's very fast)
6)Added new keys:
  1. "DontShowIfAlone" under "TeamWidget"; default to false. If set to true will hide the TeamWidget if you are alone
  2. "ShowSize" under "MonsterWidget", default to true. If set to true will show MonsterSizes
  3. "UseAnimations" under "MonsterWidget", default to false. If set to true will use animations for status effects
  4. "ShowOnlySelectedMonster" under "MonsterWidget", default to true. If set to true will show only the Monster that you've selected in the map during an hunt
  5. "DebugWidget": {
    "IsVisible": false, // just change to true if you want to see this
    "X": 0,
    "Y": 0,
    "Scale": 1
    } //This is for testing and it is hidden by default
  6. Monster will always be centered (no more left alignement)
  7. The game will show widgets and do stuff only if you are in a lobby (this is an optimization)
  8. Probably more as I don't remember what I've added

EDIT 18-02-2020:

1)Bug fix


EDIT 20-02-2020:

1)Bug fix for new patch

Edited by Peppa96
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Okay then. I'll try to redirect everyone who asks about the mod to this Forum post instead. Good luck and nice work with the mod so far.

Also, any idea why I?m unable to update it any further?



The application can try to search for updates only a couple of times in an hour (as this is a limitation to the github api for non authenticated users). But this is not your case. Try to rename the .exe in something else like "SmartHunter.exe" withouth anything else, and this should work. If it failes over and over just download the .exe from my repo

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The github repo you've linked doesn't have the .json files. Where do they come from? Another github repo?

They are autogenerated from the application itself if they are not in the same directory (this is done by the base application, i didn’t write that part (files are under SmartHunter.Game.Configs))

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They are autogenerated from the application itself if they are not in the same directory (this is done by the base application, i didn’t write that part (files are under SmartHunter.Game.Configs))


Huh. Interesting. I was looking for the .json files themselves... no wonder I couldn't find them.


Thank you.

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Anyone knows what that error is and how to fix it? Overlay seems to work anyways but I rather have it running without errors.

[2020-02-01 21:31:28] XamlParseException: Der unbekannte Typ "{clr-namespace:SmartHunter.Ui.Converters;assembly=SmartHunter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null}StringArrayContainsConverter" kann nicht erstellt werden.
   bei System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.RewrapException(Exception e, IXamlLineInfo lineInfo, Uri baseUri)
   bei System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, IXamlObjectWriterFactory writerFactory, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings, Uri baseUri)
   bei System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Uri baseUri)
   bei System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, ParserContext parserContext)
   bei System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(XamlReader reader)
   bei SmartHunter.App.LoadSkin()
Edited by ShyGuyZero
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