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Adding sublists to pip-boy inventory lists


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I found that DEF_INV or Valdacil's Item Sorting mod adds a sublist for explosives on Weapons tab in Pip-Boy. I want to create a mod which adds one for every base weapon, in which lists all of that kind of weapons will be listed.

For example, if I have 2 Hunting Rifles, one with silencer and one without it, one entry would show up ("Hunting Rifle") on Pip-Boy's Weapons tab, which if I click, the sublist for Hunting Rifles would be shown, containing both of the 2 rifles.

My question is that where to set it up? I'm still checking the VIS plugin and DEF_INV swf files, but no clue yet.


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You should ask Valdacil. I mean, if you asked me. I would stop caring so many weapons. Nerf your carry weight. Makes the amount of weapons being carried much lower, limiting that. Makes lightweight weapons a thing, fun to craft, fun to make those Object Modifications. Introduces challenging circumstances in the wasteland. Makes backpacks & Power Armor golden for providing carry weight for specific tasks. Then we don't exactly need a VIS to sort that or the sorting that is built into the INV menu or Pipboy. Then again, why wouldn't you have these on a hotkey anyway?

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I found that DEF_INV or Valdacil's Item Sorting mod adds a sublist for explosives on Weapons tab in Pip-Boy. I want to create a mod which adds one for every base weapon, in which lists all of that kind of weapons will be listed.

For example, if I have 2 Hunting Rifles, one with silencer and one without it, one entry would show up ("Hunting Rifle") on Pip-Boy's Weapons tab, which if I click, the sublist for Hunting Rifles would be shown, containing both of the 2 rifles.

My question is that where to set it up? I'm still checking the VIS plugin and DEF_INV swf files, but no clue yet.


That would be difficult to do with the BGS scripts that control item lists. The way the game fills in the inventory is that it sends an array of objects up and registers them with the inventory list. Inside each object is a list of values, which I've recently polled while working on an injector for the pipboy's inventory button bar.




favorite = true

taggedForSearch = false

isLegendary = false

count = 1

nodeID = 19798 ;0x4d56

filterFlag = 3

equipState = 0

text = 10mm Pistol

clipIndex = 0

formID = 18466 ;0x4822

canFavorite = true


That's the entry block for the 10mm starter pistol from Vault 111. Each item is initiated with a filter flag, and that filter flag is what hides the item depending on the inventory tab you're looking at. What you could do, is write a script in AS3 that polls the ItemList entries and scans for identical formID (these should always be the same between different items of the same subclass). So in your hypothetical, the rifle without the silencer and the rifle with would both have the same fromID. The nodeID is tied to the persistent object reference which contains the actual information of mods on a weapon.


Once you have arrays filled with groupings, you can add item to the entry list to grab the text off one of the rifles, and grab the filterFlag. Then you can change the filterFlags to the grouping to something that will screen out.


I think where the hitch would be is in clicking the item entry. You could in theory add some parameter to your dummy entry, and use that as a test: if ItemList.selectedEntry.HasParameter("Foobar") And then swap filter flags around.


All of that would have to be done as hard edits to the pipboy Inventory page menu as I think trying to do it as an injectable interface would ratchet the difficulty in doing this. And hard edits to this specific menu page would need compatibility patches for Def and VIS

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