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Enemy Magicka and/or Stamina display


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as the title suggests i want a mod that displays magicka and/or stamina it's a little experiment really see i was messing with the console commands today and i realised that when you use absorb stamina or damage stamina it simply stops the enemy from doing power attacks but it doesn't seem to

stop enemies from attacking all together would it be possible to display the stamina and magicka of an enemy to find this out
obviously such a mod would have more uses knowing which type of destruction magic to use for example

would be easy to find out what type of enemy you're dealing with from a distance as well in long distance assaults
i know the game is nearly 9 years old which is insane but i'm sure we can keep coming together as a community and figure out and support ideas like this

if anyone knows about a mod that does this i'd like to be informed of it if possible thank you for your time and reading all the way through

as a reward i present you with this lovely cursed image


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Yes, there is a mod like this!


For Skyrim LE:


(many enemy parameters, no MCM, no requirements) - LFSpell Divine - Know Thy Enemy


If you need for Skyrim SE (sometimes people posts in the Skyrim forum meaning Skyrim SE), there are even two! :smile: I was looking for a mod like this for Skyrim SE so long that finally created a new one, and only after that found out about the existence of the first mod. :smile:


So, for For Skyrim SE:


The first mod (almost all enemy parameters, MCM, 3 requirements) - Perception

The second mod (mine; only enemy race and weaknesses/resistances, no MCM, no requirements) - Show Weaknesses And Resistances

Edited by shumkar
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