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Hey goys, long time modder, first time caller. I cant find anything here about it or anywhere but I'm sure it's been discussed at one point or another; the viability of developing an entire new game on morrowinds bones. I'm talking wiping everything from the construction kit (probably not globals or anything related to engine(?) mechanics, just body parts, races, items etc.

It would include deleting all interior cells, deleting everything from all exterior cells and probably building the land mass anew.

My questions is (hopefully to someone that's tried this, in whole or part), how viable is it? To my understanding, any change to the original file increases its size, even if you're deleting instead of adding. i imagine deleting everything would increase the file size dramatically, and then you still have to build an entire new game on it, increasing it further.

Will i end up with a 10gb mod lol? Will featurebugs ruin everything?

Tell me stuff.

Edited by harleythemadgod
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I'd suggest having a look at the Enderal mod for Skyrim. It's basically a total overhaul which makes it look like a completely different game. It even has its own launcher and whatnot.


Perhaps check how the developers of that mod managed to basically create a whole different game while still retaining the Skyrim master file and everything contained in it. As a bonus, you'd also be able to share your mod/game with others this way.


Also, that's quite an ambitious project you're planning on undertaking. Especially if you're planning on doing it by yourself. You'll require a whole bunch of different skillsets and lots of time.

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Thanks Rampage, that looks amazing. Pretty much want i want to do, only sci-fi, and without reusing any of morrowinds meshes.


I'd love to see a behind the scenes sort of thing for the development of it, how do you suppose i can see what they've done short of downloading and dissecting it?


It really is ambitious lol, luckily - at least for now - it's still hypothetical. If i goes ahead though I do have some useful skillsets. A very particular set of skills. Skills that i have acquired over a very long career that make me a nightmare for mods like this.

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