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I am speechless.


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I mean, it's just sad that some people take offense from a game being made about a book.

Oh, I am not really "offended", that was an overstatement... I just think that it's

sad the way they completely disregard the spirit of a book and even its plot in

order to make money. But of course... there are many more things I care more


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With the production values of all the other LOTR-movie based games (music, actor likenesses that EA has the rights to use) and the Final Fantasy/StarWars KOTOR meets the LOTR movies I can only see good things. Did people hate KOTOR because you didn't get to play as Luke, Han and Leia? No, so I don't see why people are getting pissy because you won't play as members of the Fellowship.


Granted the Star Wars and Middle-earth universes are extremely different.


I'm actually looking forward to this, at least enough to where I would spend $5 on a rental. No doubt this is going to sell like pics of Suz blowin' a goat becuase it's got the LOTR licenese on it anyway. Holy *BLEEP* did just say that out loud? :huh:



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I agree EA are rather cr@ppy at this sort of thing, but give them a break :P I actually enjoyed both the LoTR games they released, sure they weren't exactly "true to the spirit of the film" but gameplay wise they were pretty well done IMO.


After all, gaming isn't completely about realism, sometimes it also needs to be about fun. And personally I found the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers & Lord of the Rings: Return of the King games fun in a lot of places. It's just too bad they had to make them level based, as some levels were rather frustrating :P


I'm by no means on EA's side though, what they did to UO was really really poor.


Haha, though reading the description it does sound silly in places. Like crossing paths with the characters of the film is going a little far perhaps. They'd have done better to either revolve it around them or leave them out completely. Just seems like a sales pitch to me, "Oooo you get to meet Aragorn and co and fight beside them how COOL!" :P


But apart from that, it looks good to me... I think I'll be getting this one :P and being able to fight as the bad guys in the same situations against your own characters isn't exactly a feature you see every day.

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Apparently, the battle engine is supposed to be similiar to Final Fantasy's, in which case, I'm most likely getting this game.


EA has done a few good games, I'll admit that. They are:


Battlefield 1942

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

Freedom Force [not Freedom Fighters]



Uh..... That's it. ^_^

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