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A little help with keywords and instance naming...

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I'm gonna try to keep this short and sweet.


1) I've been making a few weapon receivers for my game and am wondering if the instance naming keywords assigned to weapon modifications do anything more than add tags for instance naming rulesets. Is there any harm in removing some keywords that may carry a naming convention you don't want when adding a certain weapon modification? For instance, if I don't want an automatic receiver to carry over the "Rapid" name, could I simply remove the dn_HasReceiver_Automatic2 pkKeyword, or not add it to a new one, without any negative effects elsewhere? I've already done this with a few receivers and it doesn't seem to cause problems, but I want to be sure that these keywords, any of them, don't do more than change a weapon's name.


TL;DR: Do pkKeywords do anything else other than change object names? Are there any scripts or popular mods that use these keywords to accomplish anything other than naming?


2) I'm attempting to work these receivers into the game without directly altering anything vanilla. This looks problematic if I wish the receivers to change the name of the weapon they are being applied to. Is it possible to create a separate instance naming rule with it's own rulesets that works for these receivers alone, or would that train-wreck the naming of any weapon that these receivers are placed on? For example, is it possible to create an instance naming rule called something like: dn_MyReceivers containing all the names and rulesets for those receivers, and still have it access dn_CommonGun for other naming rules?... I'm sure that would be problematic come to think of it... I'll still ask the question in case it turns the brain cogs of anyone else... any ideas there?


TL;DR: How problematic is it to add directly to the instance naming rules like dn_CommonGun? Is it possible to combine more than one instance naming rule (for example: dn_CommonGun, with dn_MyReceivers) to accomplish the task of having an object, in this case a weapon, to display the desired name?


I understand that there are scripters out there that have merged naming rules, but am trying to avoid this if possible; I'm not against attempting it with a little guidance if that is the only way to accomplish adding to the instance naming rules.


Thanks in advance to any input here.

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