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Goodsprings Saloon Freezes When Loading


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Hello I am new here, and I am new to modding New Vegas. I started with a new save. Everything was working fine until I did the quest where I killed the Powder Gangers in Goodspring. Now I can no longer enter the saloon. It freezes on loading until I have to forcequit the game. Any solutions? I've tried removing mods and shuffling around my load order, but I can't seem to find the issue nor a solution.

I'll post my load order below. Thanks in advance.


I use Vortex to install/run the mods, and LOOT to sort them.


0 0 FalloutNV.esm

1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a FreesideOpen.esm
11 b New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
12 c Functional Post Game Ending.esm
13 d Simply Uncut - New Vegas.esp
14 e Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
15 f Niner.esm
16 10 NVWillow.esp
17 11 Bitter Springs Redesigned.esp
18 12 RHKGilbertCompanion.esm
19 13 VanessaFollowerNV.esm
20 14 STRobot-Core.esm
21 15 SomeguySeries.esm
22 16 Zebumper - Animated Food and Drinks.esp
23 17 Clarity.esp
24 18 Sprint Mod.esp
25 19 MaxFollowers12.esp
26 1a New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
27 1b MojaveDelight.esp
28 1c RHKGilbertCompanion-MojaveDelight.esp
29 1d kochandbohr.esp
30 1e outsidebets.esp
31 1f FreesideOpenPatch.esp
32 20 Uncut Wasteland.esp
33 21 Uncut Wasteland FSO OB.esp
34 22 betsybrahminFSO.esp
35 23 delilah.esp
36 24 STRobot-ChemImmunity.esp
37 25 LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado.esp
38 26 Companions Relax.esp
39 27 lightupandsmokethosecigarettes_dm.esp
40 28 DrugVisuals.esp
41 29 populatedcasino.esp
42 2a Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Patch.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Medium Patch.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Light Patch.esp
43 2b Alternative Start.esp
44 2c Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland Patch.esp
45 2d Functional Post Game Ending - Outside Bets Patch.esp
46 2e STRobot-Companion.esp
47 2f uylssesbarksfix.esp
48 30 MM Headhunter.esp
49 31 Simply Uncut NV - Freeside Open Patch.esp
50 32 NewVegasBounties.esp
51 33 NewVegasBountiesII.esp
52 34 TheInheritance.esp
53 35 NewVegasKiller.esp
54 36 NewVegasBountiesIII.esp
55 37 NewVegasBountiesFSOPatch.esp
56 38 FreesideOpen - NewVegasBountiesIII.esp
57 39 FNV Customizable Companion (Jessica).esp
58 3a T6M Female Power Armor NV.esp
59 3b KillableKids.esp
60 3c Vanity Camera Smoother.esp
61 3d Tatctical Third Person Camera - FOV 30.esp
62 3e outsidebets_meyersfix.esp
63 3f Sex Sounds Fix.esp
64 40 SunnyCompanion.esp
65 41 UnlimitedCompanions.esp
66 42 Primm Reputation Restored.esp
67 43 Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp
68 44 athornysituation.esp
69 45 awilderwasteland.esp
70 46 STRobot-VoicePack.esp
71 47 WendyGilbert_WillowCompatibilityPatch.esp
72 48 (Companion)_Plague_Doctor.esp
73 49 Bounty Hunters.esp
74 4a NewVegasBountiesIIFSOPatch.esp
75 4b SU-NV Little Dead Riding Hood Enabler.esp
76 4c GolfWaterScene.esp
77 4d Willow by Dracomies.esp
78 4e Willow by Dracomies v2.esp
79 4f Plague Doctor Outfit NV.esp
80 50 FireRehireWillow.esp
81 51 DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.esp
82 52 MojaveDelighted.esp
83 53 zzjayHairsFNV.esp
84 54 TroubleMaker Armor.esp

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First, remove the unused mod files. Then go through your load list and remove any unneeded plugins.


Where did the two Willow by Dracomies plugins come from? They are not hosted here. Do you really need both versions?

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First, remove the unused mod files. Then go through your load list and remove any unneeded plugins.


Where did the two Willow by Dracomies plugins come from? They are not hosted here. Do you really need both versions?

The extra Willow plugins come from the New Vegas Redesigned patch.


The only unused mod files are FCOMaster, Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Medium Patch.esp, and Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Light Patch.esp. They are all set to disabled in Vortex. I don't know how to get rid of them beyond that as I am using the Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos patch, which the "Medium" and "Light" versions are a part of, and FCO is needed for NV Redesigned, from what I understand. Do I need to do more besides setting them to disabled?

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I can't help you since you are using Vortex. I don't know how Vortex works and since I don't want to take an online course on how to use a mod manager, I won't use it.

Is there something easier/more noob friendly than Vortex? I'm mainly using it because it's connected to Nexus and is super easy to just click "download to mod manager" and it auto downloads. But if there is something better I should be using, I'll try that.

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It doesn't really matter which mod manager you choose: you still need to read the documentation and understand how it works. Like any "tool", it is not expected that you can just pick it up and instantly become a master mechanic. Think of it as "an investment in how to enjoy playing a modded game." Most people end up sticking with whatever they learn first for as long as possible, so choose wisely. Vortex is the Nexus specific manager, so if that "download" button is important to you, take the time to learn all about it. There are links to written and video tutorials for all the major managers used with FNV in the 'Mod Managers' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article, but they are just a starting point. There is an entire forum devoted to Vortex. That is where you should direct questions about using it.


Moving on, Please see the 'Common Game Problems' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. Think of that section as a checklist of fundamental things you have to get correct. You have unnecessary "optional" files from several mods which should be removed. Read their installation instructions more carefully.

If the problem persists, then see the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

I recommend anyone read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with; especially if this is your first attempt to play a modded FNV or it's been more than a year since you last did so. It is designed for someone who has never played a modded PC game before, so it tries to avoid making any assumptions, is kept "up-to-date", and covers years of "lessons learned".


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It doesn't really matter which mod manager you choose: you still need to read the documentation and understand how it works. Like any "tool", it is not expected that you can just pick it up and instantly become a master mechanic. Think of it as "an investment in how to enjoy playing a modded game." Most people end up sticking with whatever they learn first for as long as possible, so choose wisely. Vortex is the Nexus specific manager, so if that "download" button is important to you, take the time to learn all about it. There are links to written and video tutorials for all the major managers used with FNV in the 'Mod Managers' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article, but they are just a starting point. There is an entire forum devoted to Vortex. That is where you should direct questions about using it.


Moving on, Please see the 'Common Game Problems' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. Think of that section as a checklist of fundamental things you have to get correct. You have unnecessary "optional" files from several mods which should be removed. Read their installation instructions more carefully.


If the problem persists, then see the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


I recommend anyone read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with; especially if this is your first attempt to play a modded FNV or it's been more than a year since you last did so. It is designed for someone who has never played a modded PC game before, so it tries to avoid making any assumptions, is kept "up-to-date", and covers years of "lessons learned".



All this info is helpful. Thank you. I will try a fresh save, and will follow these instructions if I decide to add or remove any mods. I think I may have just f*#@ed it with continuous adding and removing of mods before I settled in on a save.


I've played some modded games before, but never ran anything this complex. Mainly just simple Battlefront 2 add ons, or source port type mods for games like DOOM and Quake. Thank you!

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