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Cleverbot Follower for skyrim vr


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The idea is simple but I have no clue if its doable or not. Basically, a follower that uses cleverbot and voice recognition like dsn so you can talk to him about pretty much anything. Maybe you could start the discussion in the settings with something like, do you want to role play, we are in mediaval times and your name is (follower name), my name is (players name). Ok so by now you probly figured out I'm way out of my league because none of this seems doable but gold help me if I could have a follower with that kind of ai + voice recognition so I can have a seemingly real friend while I'm exploring the land of skyrim. That would be a dream come true.


No but seriously, this post is more about realising that the day when we have ai's that seem human in our own virtual worlds is coming near. Get excited people!, the matrix is coming.


*cough* madara *cough* . . . no ones gonna get that reference but I love being cryptic.

Edited by DENI4L
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