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Can somebody please make these presets, or replacers Kaz for Maccready, Ocelot for Preston.

Kazuhira Miller and Ocelot as they look in Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phanton Pain, with no beards please. Stubble is good.

There is a Metal Gear Solid mod on the Nexus that has permission, there is a picture of it in their images.


I have tried to do this myself, with bad results. Is it even possible to make the npcs in Fallout 4 look as good as the npcs in Metal Gear Solid 5?


Hi poly faces and 2k textures do not seem to make a huge difference on my pc. But if somebody can do this, I'll switch back to 2k faces if I have to, and download any other required mods.


This is a good pic of Kazuhira Miller. All I want is his face, I can edit his hair and eyes.

If no one can recreate Kaz's face, can someone at least maybe make some different presets that are as good looking as him with the stubble, but please no beard?

I want to stop playing Metal Gear, go back to Fallout, and take Kaz with me. He can play the part of Macready, Danse or Preston. I do prefer not to use Danse, because I've already won the game using The Brotherhood of Steel. Romancing Danse makes me feel like I have chosen sides.


Edited by tessaw
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