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Animations: Ironsights without the wiggle?


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Most weapons in first person have a small amount of shake or up-and-down breathing movement when sighted in on regular ironsights. I'd like to get rid of this. Unfortunately, this is beyond my abilities. Sighting in is an animation, and my simple attempts at switching files around have not produced any results. Animations are nothing I'm skilled with.


Does anyone know of a mod that does this? Or if there are any settings, modifiers, or other tweaks I can make weapons perfectly still when aimed?

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Heyas Papvafs! I know exactly what you are talking about. For a really long time this mod, Jiggle Remover was in my load order. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29331 It takes care of what you're talking about very nicely. Didn't have any conflicts or problems in my load order when I was running it.

If you want something that does the same for scopes, I also used this. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7798

coupled with this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9410 to get rid of the hold breath reminder since with the other mod it's not needed anymore.

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As much as I appreciate the help, I'm afraid that's not what I'm looking for.


The wiggle I'm talking about happens while the weapon's idle, not when it's recoiling. This seems to be most noticeable on the AK from Nuka-World. Here are some side-by-side screenshots to show what I mean. Each one was taken while stationary, without moving, shooting, or even looking around all that much. It makes long-distance shooting on ironsights more annoying than it needs to be, especially on AKs. I know I'm pinching pixels and splitting hairs here (literally speaking), but the sheer fact that the sights are moving is enough to throw off my aim more than the visual shift alone would ordinarily do.


I'm conscious of the fact that I'm never going to get an animation replacer for every single animation pack out there, so I was hoping there was some animation speed multiplier I could fiddle with, or something else that could help.

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Heyas Papvafs. Ok sorry about that. I guess I misread your first post. Please keep in mind that I almost never play in 1st person, so I don't experience what you're talking about.

I also don't experience what you're talking about because I play with a mod called Cheat Terminal, which has a setting in it to turn off weapon sway. Which gets rid of that in all sights/scopes.



Before I mention this, please keep in mind that both iron sights AND scopes are affected by this setting. You remove it for one, you remove it for both. But the setting that controls this behavior is a setting called Stability. Which is located in the weapon's Aim Model file. Or the file that it uses if it doesn't have one of it's own.

By default most of the vanilla weapons have that setting at 1. INcreasing the value reduces the effect. So at like 10.... it's almost not there at all.


Open the Fallout4.esm file with Xedit, once the program finishes loading the files, click on the + next to fallout4.esm

Scroll down just a tad til you see an entry listed +Aim Model and click the + next to it.

Pick one. Assault Rifle is the one that I'm clicking, because it's at the top.

Now switch over to the Right side panel after it expands the file, and scroll to the very bottom of the page. Stability - Base Stability is there at almost the very bottom, if not the very bottom of the list.

If they're vanilla files, you have to extract them to another .esp as an Override in order to edit them. If they are mod weapons, you can do it right there in the mod file. But yeah, just set that 1 to higher save the changes and test. Repeat as needed.

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Unfortunately, so far as I can see, stability doesn't seem to have an effect on the ironsights sway. Modifications to the player's AimStability actor value have no effect, and neither do changes to the weapon's aim model. It definitely has a significant impact on the sway of scopes, but not raw ironsights. If my caveman-quality tests are accurate, it's governed entirely by the weapon's ironsights animation.


I would be very, very happy to be proven wrong, as I otherwise have no ability to change this.

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