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GECK freeze when trying to edit Worldspace details


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Never heard of the geck navmesh tool just plain not working. Which it is not your map , because it worked for me. Are you sure all 3 vertices are selected ? And nothing else is selected , like an edge , triangle or 4th vertice ? In fact should probably keep edge selection off , till you need it.

Also when navmeshing exterior cells , make sure the cell grid is on , by hitting "B" key while render window is active before opening the navmesh tool. And possibly 1 of your vertices is in the adjacent cell ? Which it will only create triangles with vertices in the same cell.

When navmeshing a cell border ... I generally keep the vertice a little bit off the border , then drag it to the border afterwards. Which in case you didn't know , vertices must line up pretty much exactly with one in the adjacent cell , in order to join 2 cells navmesh border when finalizing.


But maybe something is messed up with your settings. Which you should be able to fix by moving/deleting the Geck.ini's and have it regenerate them upon launch.

But then of course you have to re edit this line "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1"

Since your file has multiple masters.

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