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Something that has always annoyed me with the laser musket


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So for a looong time i've always had just a tiny little.... problem with the laser musket. I've tried looking around for a solution but could neve quite find one. At anyrate, is there a mod for the laser musket that will allow it to use stocks from the laser rifle?

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Heyas Kanami. There is also Wacky Weapons Workshop. It allows you to craft weapons at a chem station, and then you can add ANY other weapon pieces to the wacky weapon that you craft. Via the weapon work bench.

As far as I know tho, it's only available over on bethesda.net so you'll have to download it though the in game mod manager and have a bethesda.net account.


WWW will also change the weapon properties, via the attachments that you add. Including but not limited to changing the vanilla ammo that it uses. Which in some cases, will also change the damage output. It's a really fun mod to play around and experiment with. Now granted, not all of the pieces line up properly due to differences in the 3d models tho. Particularly when it comes to magazines. and the triggers. also, some of the red dot sights are just downright completely off, in 1st person if you are mixing them from other guns.

the muskets look damned sweet with the sniper rifle stock, IMO.

you can also change the visual effect of the weapon. Like making a sniper rifle that shoots the effect like a gauss or railway.

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