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Can someone make a mod for a Sheathed/Unsheathed weapon UI indicator


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Hello, I'm enjoying this game very much, but there's one detail that turns out to be extremely annoying for me.


When I press keys 1 and 2 to sheath/unsheat the weapons, unless the camera is in the right angle I easily miss if I did unsheath, if it's unsheathed, if I did sheath or if it's sheathed.


This has me pressing the keys multiple times and getting late to combat, especially when mounting horses.


I dont't know if this bothers anyone else, at least I didn't find anyone talking about this in any forums.


My solution for this would be a UI indicator that shows a sword next to the opponents life indicator. Maybe permanent, when sheathed, it has a scabbard, when not, it shows the naked blade of the sword.


If someone that has the skill to make mod also thinks this could be useful, I would very grateful, I never posted here, so I don't know if there's some rule for asking this sort of thing.



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