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Is there a good lighting guide or tutorial for Morrowind?

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So I am working on another house mod, gearing up for a tutorial series. But I have hit a bit of a wall with lighting. Now my setup is to use OpenMW and edit using the original Morrowind Editor.


One of the first things I notice is that the light radiuses are HUGE, far bigger than they should be. But it seems as if the brightness of the light is actually tied in with its radius, so you have to have a fairly big radius for a decently bright light.


Another thing I am noticing is how hard it is to find a particular kind of or style of light, and although typically using ambient light is bad, the folks that made the game used it, in fairly high amounts, and using any sort of low ambient light just leaves everything too dark.


I was wondering if someone had figured out how to milk the lighting in Morrowind using the default editor and no special settings or mods per say. So original Morrowind, or original OpenMW, and just using the absolute best settings and placement for lights. Is there any sort of lighting guide, to help a modder create a much better lighting environment?


Lighting is a big part of architecture and the story of a space, so I want to jump from fumbling around, trying to figure things out to having a system that I know and have seen works. It is too bad Hourneces from the Unreal Engine community isn't here, because he would have this stuff nailed down!


Hey and if you know of a mod with exceptional, jaw dropping lighting, could you post a link?


Appreciate your help!

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