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I am using Friendly Meditation with a PS4 controller (works very well, and its a super mod for immersion). The keybind to initiate the live meditate feature is to hold the right thumbstick:




But the keybind for igniting your torch is also to hold the right thumbstick:




I would like to change the action for the ''IgniteTorch'' from hold to doubletap right thumbstick. Like when you use double tap left thumbstick to call your horse:




(In the horse keybind there is no specification to doubletap, so in the input.settings file it look exactly the same as a single tap keybind)


Is anyone knowledgable about these things? Any ideas how I can set it up so that IgniteTorch uses a doubletap left thumb stick command? Thanks in advance!


PS: I know that I could just add the torch to my item slots and use R1, but I prefer to keep those open for bombs and because I use the Hoods mod which use up the left and right item slots

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