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[LE] I need some simple help from a female modder or a modder with an available female.

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Hi, as the title suggests.

I need a female to record 2 simple words and the only requirement i have is that it must be either a female or a male modder (if male, with an available female willingly to help), from here, an active member in "Skyrim Creation Kit and Modders or SSE" that provides occasionally or not unconditional support to fellow modders, i only want to use + credit those individuals.

The only female that i have available right now is my sister which except that her voice is very high pitch, like a dying crow !!... she is a horrible voice actor !!!... and no matter how much editing and processing i do to the audio file, in the end it makes NO Difference !!!!...

* I would be more than honored if anyone would like to do this.

You don't need to have a professional mic, anything will do, i just need it to be clean without background and static noise, for an easy audio editing and processing.

The words are:

In a whispering ghostly tone "Release me".

Releeeessse... Meeee...

In an agonizing maddly shouting tone "No".

NNOOOOoooooo !!.....

Is for the Final Bosse's voice, after you have finished the mod's final HARD Battle.

* The quest/mod doesn't end with her death...

I will provide an audio file (wav) to catch the voice color, it doesn't have to be the exact voice, but in compare with my sister's... anything would do !.

Thank you very much for reading all this, and a thousands thanks if you do reply !!!...

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Hi, as the title suggests.
I need a female to record 2 simple words and the only requirement i have is that it must be either a female or a male modder (if male, with an available female willingly to help), from here, an active member in "Skyrim Creation Kit and Modders or SSE" that provides occasionally or not unconditional support to fellow modders, i only want to use + credit those individuals.
The only female that i have available right now is my sister which except that her voice is very high pitch, like a dying crow !!... she is a horrible voice actor !!!... and no matter how much editing and processing i do to the audio file, in the end it makes NO Difference !!!!...
* I would be more than honored if anyone would like to do this.
You don't need to have a professional mic, anything will do, i just need it to be clean without background and static noise, for an easy audio editing and processing.
The words are:
In a whispering ghostly tone "Release me".
Releeeessse... Meeee...
In an agonizing maddly shouting tone "No".
NNOOOOoooooo !!.....
Is for the Final Bosse's voice, after you have finished the mod's final HARD Battle.
* The quest/mod doesn't end with her death...
I will provide an audio file (wav) to catch the voice color, it doesn't have to be the exact voice, but in compare with my sister's... anything would do !.
Thank you very much for reading all this, and a thousands thanks if you do reply !!!...






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Hi, as the title suggests.
I need a female to record 2 simple words and the only requirement i have is that it must be either a female or a male modder (if male, with an available female willingly to help), from here, an active member in "Skyrim Creation Kit and Modders or SSE" that provides occasionally or not unconditional support to fellow modders, i only want to use + credit those individuals.
The only female that i have available right now is my sister which except that her voice is very high pitch, like a dying crow !!... she is a horrible voice actor !!!... and no matter how much editing and processing i do to the audio file, in the end it makes NO Difference !!!!...
* I would be more than honored if anyone would like to do this.
You don't need to have a professional mic, anything will do, i just need it to be clean without background and static noise, for an easy audio editing and processing.
The words are:
In a whispering ghostly tone "Release me".
Releeeessse... Meeee...
In an agonizing maddly shouting tone "No".
NNOOOOoooooo !!.....
Is for the Final Bosse's voice, after you have finished the mod's final HARD Battle.
* The quest/mod doesn't end with her death...
I will provide an audio file (wav) to catch the voice color, it doesn't have to be the exact voice, but in compare with my sister's... anything would do !.
Thank you very much for reading all this, and a thousands thanks if you do reply !!!...








Thank you for getting into the trouble, but an automatic voice generation is worse than my sister's voice which at least has "some" voice acting.
Unfortunately i cannot use this kind of files because it would immediately lower the overall quality of the mod since all audio that is used has high quality audio and voice acting, it would just kill it !!!.
Even if i do the recording myself and then process the voice to make it female, it's not the same as a real female !, i know that a few people will actually notice it, but i'll know !.
My aesthetic + modding abilities + 30 years overall experience in this kind of programs + whatever talent i may have will not allow me to do such a thing !!, my intention is to release one of those few mods that exist out there of such high quality.
More than 70% of items used are all custom made, meshes, fxs, particle fx, audio fx, and the list goes on and on and on....., the mod is almost completely detached from the vanilla game !.
I have invested way too much time and work in this mod to just go for the easy solutions !.
Nevertheless thank you.
Edited by maxarturo
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You now that there is a mega thread specifically for requesting/offering voice-acting right?



Yes i know.
I can also ask some of my famous professional actors friends to do this, which they can do it in at least 4 different languages.
But as i wrote, i want to use / tribute / honor / include...,
"from here, an active member in "Skyrim Creation Kit and Modders or SSE" that provides occasionally or not unconditional support to fellow modders".
I don't know if anyone can actually understand why i'm doing this, but it doesn't matter anymore... since nobody is interested in this... I am more than familiar with people's negativity.
* I guess that if i used my old profile name people would recognize me from some of the most downloaded and famous mods that were ever created here in Nexus, and things would be different... but anyway.... it is what it is...
Thank you for your interest.
Edited by maxarturo
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Calm down, you can't expect everyone is reading this message immediately after it was posted. I was terribly ill.. no, not corona.

Two words - that's all? I will do it, if you like. You can hear my voice on my voice acting site (look at my profile or signature).

If you like that, PM me, then I will record it in time. Greetings, Tasheni ;)

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@ Tasheni

I'm calm... i rarely get angry and is quite hard to get me upset with anything, but we all have our days... and that was one of those rare days.

I apologise.

Thank you very much for your interest !.

But i have already asked a friend of mine, which she happens to be a professional actor, and i'm almost done with this.

* It began with just two words, trying to keep it simple for anyone that might be interested in doing it, but now it has kind of grow out of proportions...

I hope your health is better !.

And again thank you very much.

Edited by maxarturo
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