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NOT so over sexualized Witch armor w/ hat (DARK Witch Armor)


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So I noticed there is not much out there for Witch themed armor nor the style I am looking for.... Only mods I saw out there that were labeled as "Witch" was one outlandishly over-sexualized outfit....


( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4783# ) though granted I DO like the hat! and then we have this
( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1204 ) which again has a hat I do like but the armor is alright but not what I am looking for.

This should go without saying but I'd like to be more so available for Skyrim: Special Edition first ( I know that may sound silly but theres plenty of mods out there that never made it to SSE from Oldrim )

References of Witch armor w/ hats that would be downright perfect and could be an easy trending armor mod if someone cared to volunteer to create a detailed as such DARK Witch armor outfit (2-4k Quality)

EruC4hpm.jpgXKfQ09Em.jpgeyPoHOnm.jpg KEn1l8jl.png

Disclaimer: By all means, I know this be could quite the project and I am only "requesting". I just hope someone out there is willing to volunteer for this and feels same way as I do that we need more armor mods like these!

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