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[LE] Custom textures are looking horrendous in-game


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Hey everyone!
I've added some custom trees into SSE, everything is good except how the textures look in-game. I've posted a video of what they look like while playing, notice how there seems to be a "black depth" to it, and a crazy amount of contrast between the colors in the texture. I've also attached a link to the diffuse and normal maps, which look much better in Photoshop. I've messed with the Alpha channel in the normal map, trying all black, all white, and in between, which seems to make no difference. Specular is turned off in the Nif as well. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

Texture Files: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj98NjxjA_awhb46MzQVHKo1IX-MLQ?e=JOnTd3

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I took a look at your textures, but i couldn't see anything, the files contain only "Black" info on the image and on the 'Channels', there isn't anything inside them they are actually empty black files.

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Thanks for taking a look! Weird that you're only seeing black when you open them. I downloaded them from the link I posted and they seem to show up normal in Photoshop. Which program are you using to view them?

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Thanks for taking a look! Weird that you're only seeing black when you open them. I downloaded them from the link I posted and they seem to show up normal in Photoshop. Which program are you using to view them?


Photoshop CC

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Interesting. I'm also using Photoshop CC, saving in BC7. I've updated the link with uncompressed versions of the files now, maybe that will help?


I've also noticed that I have this problem on every custom mesh that I create. Maybe my textures are fine, and I need to change something in NifSkope?

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Hey, just so everyone knows I have figured this out. Pretty simple fix: In NifSkope I had to right-lick on each mesh and select Mesh > Face Normals. The only reason I had to do this is because in 3dsMax I accidentally unchecked "Normals" in the exporter settings for the Nif file at some point. Re-enabling this solved the problem and I don't need to manually perform the fix in Nifskope anymore. Not likely that anyone else will ever have this issue, but just in case, this is the solution.

Thanks everyone! :thumbsup:

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