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RGB Flickering/Lighting Boxes(?) in and when looking at Raven Rock docks


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hi, I have a pretty much game breaking problem. As soon as I traveled to solstheim for the first time, from the intro I've had these really odd green/gold/red/blue lines or like wall/boxes whenever I look at.. Well specifically the docks, or whenever the docks are on the screen at all. See I don't get this problem when I walk off the docks and look at the town with the docks behind me. It's seriously driving me nuts, I've been trying to fix this problem for about an hr and a half now. lol. I should also add, It's really only when looking at the docks, or having them on the screen, nowhere else on solstheim or skyrim.


Here is a shot of the shenanigans in action (When I move around the color of this wall will change/new "walls" will appear, sometimes it's like a box surrounding me of RGB (a mixture of red, green, and blue colors)


so first thing I tried was doublechecking that my Vsync was enabled and that my ENB frame rate limiter was active, vsync was on and FPS capped at 60. Still didn't fix it.

then I tried disabling RWT. Squat

Then I tried going to the kitchen and pouring a bowl of cheerio's. I came back, and still all unicorn vomit RGB.

then I reset my overclocking of my CPU and GPU to defaults. Nothin'

then I tried uninstalling my ENB, thinking maybe it was having a compatibility issue with something on the docks (Idk just trying everything haha) That did nothing

then I tried disabling Aecquinoctium, to no avail

I even tried disabling Oblivion gates in cities (I thought it quite unlikely this would be the culprit, but I was willing to try anything haha) and Ofc notta.

then I tried (Really what I should have tried first; I tried reloading the save I made at windhelm docks and doing the intro over (This must work right? It's so easy. Probably just a problem with the way it loaded. the solstheim intro is notoriously buggy) NOPE.


Here are my INI's

Here is my Loadorder


If there is any other information needed please ask, I will do my best to oblige.


so any and all help with this problem will be greatly appreciated. I know it's probably something stupid like a patch I forgot to download, or a setting in my ini's. So I just really want to kill miraak and fight karstaag and all the goodness of the DLC. please help SOS.

Edited by punkfrost
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UPDATE: Found out that oddly SMIM is the culprit. Not sure if bug or incompatibility. Will edit this comment if new developments arise.

Edited by punkfrost
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