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How to change opening direction of doors

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Hello everyone,

I'd like to get fully openable doors with the same direction that the door on the right but actually, it only exists in "Load" version, which means it don't opens entirely.

âCan anyone help me change the opening direction on entirely openable doors ?

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The animation happens in the nif file.

A bit fiddly maybe, but it can be changed using NifScope.

Look for the NiControllerSequence nodes in NiControllerManager. There should be one sequence for "open" and one sequence for "close". Look further and you'll find the rotate data.


The arrow/marker is a static shape and has nothing to do with the animation other than acting as a visual clue for designers and if needed, you can use NifScope, copy/paste node(s). Just remember to have the marker flag checked if used.


I suggest watching Razorwire's videos and do a (healthy) struggle with it first :wink:



3DSMAX is also an option,


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The animation happens in the nif file.

A bit fiddly maybe, but it can be changed using NifScope.

Look for the NiControllerSequence nodes in NiControllerManager. There should be one sequence for "open" and one sequence for "close". Look further and you'll find the rotate data.


The arrow/marker is a static shape and has nothing to do with the animation other than acting as a visual clue for designers and if needed, you can use NifScope, copy/paste node(s). Just remember to have the marker flag checked if used.


I suggest watching Razorwire's videos and do a (healthy) struggle with it first :wink:



3DSMAX is also an option,


Thanks a lot for your answer, I'll check it ASAP :thumbsup:

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