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Exomech controls


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Hi -


I really love the mech exocraft.


At least, in principle.


Has anyone else noticed that attempting to *turn* or switch direction of movement in the mech is really slow and painful? It's almost impossible to get the thing to actually turn neatly ... it's path tends to be a broad sweeping circle around whatever it is you try to get it to move towards.


Likewise - any form of uneven terrain - the movement is this halting sequence of stomp/slide/direction change - you take one or two steps, and it acts like it has to now jump, stomp, and slide, and ends up facing a different direction than the one you intended it to go. So over any kind of uneven terrain, you are constantly fighting to get it to move in the desired direction.


How are people working with this? Has anyone produced a mod that makes less frustrating to try to simply walk in an arbitrary direction, turn, and continue in that direction?



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