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Create brand new effect?

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So I'm creating a challange trait, and, for certian moments of the game I'd need it's effect to stop. So, I want to create a "medicine" that stops the trait's effect temporarily (Trait has condition of "this item not active")


However, for it to not be stopped with just any item that shares said effect I feel I need to make a brand new one, but, I cannot see any way of creating new effects in GECK, only pick from a list, Is it possible? if so how?


EDIT: I want to specify I do see ways of creating new efects, but, they all end up having options for what that effect does. Like perks have a list of what they can do, items as well, I just want an irem to have an effect that's unique, yet they all have stuff like "ChemIncDT" or such as options, stuff shared from a list, how do you add to that list?

Edited by GreatPalpitator
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Well you can make as many base effects as you want , but they all need a delivery item.

Like an actor effect , object effect , ingestible . And that's also where you add any values.

The Archetypes are limited to a list , but some can be used in a variety of ways , more than others. The default "Value modifier" sounds like it will work just fine for your purpose.


On your challenge perk , in Perk owner condition , there are 2 conditional statements for effects.


One refers to a Base Effect "HasMagicEffect" And flags must be applicable to show in this list (self in this case) , also it appears this list will only populate with the name , not the Form ID ... no matter if "Display Name Only" is checked. But whether or not the effect does anything matters not , So just leave it on the default "Value Modifier"

But leave the assoc. item as none.


The second refers to an actor effect or ingestible "IsSpellTarget" And apparently is not as reliable as the former. But the ingestible is obviously where you would add the duration , to then cause the condition check on the perk to no longer be stopped. Which you still have to make both items to make it work , so try both condition checks.


On the base effect , just start with "Self" and "Display Name Only" as flagged.

The latter so you can control what shows in the pip boy.

But when adding the effect to the ingestible , the list populates with the form ID no matter the flag. So just keep that in mind when searching for it in the lists.


Ingestible Effect Item = Base Effect [Form-ID]

Condition "HasMagicEffect" = Base Effect [Name].

Condition "IsSpellTarget" = Ingestible [Form-ID]

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Even if a new effect does exactly the same that a pre-existing one, the game treats it as unique as it only cares about it's ID


Thanks for the mention , that was a needed point I glossed over in nuancing it :ninja:

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