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Is this possible?

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I remember the last time i played i wanted a stunted character that would:


i) reach a full 100% absorb rate.



ii) eventually, do his own enchant to compensate for that, some self-made item, " cast on use ", with an " inflict magical damage to self ", get some absorbs back that way.

Not doable. Unless i recall this wrong? Been quite some years.


Assuming i'm not wrong however*, is this doable with CS?

And if so, how please? :smile:


* Lest i'm mistaken, 'default' enchant making didn't allow for this, ie the option to combine 'cast on use' with 'damage on self' just wasn't present.

You can always make me happy by telling me i'm wrong though. Only just started out again, still sorting/testing mods out.

Edited by Aenra2
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Gonna leave this here in case someone else gets to wonder :)


Question is moot; the engine distinguishes between spells cast on you and cast by you. If the latter, absorb doesn't work, all you get is some nice damage for your troubles.


Move along folks!

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