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I have an idea for a mod that may be very simple and easy to pull off.


The Choking Choker - it is a non-explosive collar with a black choker design. When equipped on your player it will activate your "limited oxygen" meter. It acts opposite of a re-breather and is choking your character as if underwater. It should be noted it doesn't do anything "gill like" such as making you breathe water instead of air: the main purpose of this choker is to test the breathing gauge of the player by forcing the limited 02 Gauge to pop up. This in term should help people who are making breathing mods, but I know that someone out there is probably gonna use it for breathplay or something like that.

Edited by ZxAsriel
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Oh come on, I wouldn't have thought you were telling on yourself until that last statement.


Anyway, it would actually be really cool just to be able to use the Oxygen mechanic outside of water, like having an area with toxic air.


Maybe an NVSE plugin could implement this as a script feature?

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