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[LE] Need help with script

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Hello. I have made custom spell to trigger paired animation (pa_Huga). So I wrote simple script which should trigger this animation when player cast spell on target. It seems like script is working as intented, but I have small issue I want to get rid off. After animation is played my character cannot use spells untill i reequip weapon\spell. I've checked wiki page and there is note that this is expected behaivour and should be fixed, but I am noob at scripting and can't wrap my head how to fix this.

So can someone explain to the noob what should I do in my script or in CK to fix my problem. Here is my script:

Scriptname _PairedHug extends ActiveMagicEffect  

Idle Property pa_HUGa Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
  akTarget.PlayIdleWithTarget(pa_HUGa, akCaster)


Thanks in advance.

Edited by xxxCYNICxxx
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I would put a wait between the PlayIdleWithTarget and the DrawWeapon function. Make the wait however many seconds the Idle lasts.


Scriptname _PairedHug extends ActiveMagicEffect  

Idle Property pa_HUGa Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
  akTarget.PlayIdleWithTarget(pa_HUGa, akCaster)

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I would put a wait between the PlayIdleWithTarget and the DrawWeapon function. Make the wait however many seconds the Idle lasts.


Scriptname _PairedHug extends ActiveMagicEffect  

Idle Property pa_HUGa Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
  akTarget.PlayIdleWithTarget(pa_HUGa, akCaster)



Thank you very much for help. I will try it today.

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Guys i have one more question. What should I add to my script to make animation fire only when NPC is turned back to the player? I think it's something about "getangle" command. But how exactly should look this piece of code? Sorry for noobish questions. This is my very first script in papyrus. :mellow:

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