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Feedback about rules

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So I think the fact we can't talk about or criticize moderators or the actions they take at all, awfully convenient for them. We can't talk about what they do for what reason? It can't be public for what reason? You talk about transparency, but then silence people that speak out? People cant criticize mods because it makes them look bad? We can't confront you publicly because it might gives others ideas? I would like an answer as to why this is the case as this just seems like an attempt at suppressing any kind of dissent/criticism. You should welcome open discussion/criticism of mods and or rules. At the end of the day censorship is censorship it does not matter what your reasoning is open discussion on your forums is true transparency. Prove me wrong by not deleting this like I fully expect you to.

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Hey now, could be both. :tongue:


The forums here are one of the most transparent and open about bans and warnings I've ever seen.


And practically every website in the history of ever censors people. Freedom of speech is not something that applies when you are on a private forum or website. Harassment, hate speech, trolling, doxxing - all those types of speech are banned on pretty much every forum and website out there. And with good reason. Companies and organizations don't need to tolerate that kind of speech like some governments do and so, rather then letting their services become a hub for harassment and trolling, those types of speech are banned because it is better for both the company and their customers to keep trolling, harassment, and other such things off their sites.


And giving mod authors the ability to ban users from our mods is an extension of that. From my understanding of the situation, the moderation team here at Nexus Mods cannot keep up with the amount of harassment and stupidity that mod authors get thrown at them on a daily basis, so the most practical solution was to give mod authors the ability to police their own mod pages. Mod authors having the ability to ban people from their mods pages is simply a consequence of Nexus Mods not having the resources to fully support a moderation team to patrol a majority of the site every day to ferret out inappropriate comments.

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As has been pointed out already, we have a subforum for bans and warnings that provides ban/warning reasons for the sake of transparency: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-warnings/


In our Moderation Policy under "Complaints Regarding Moderation" the process for filing a complaint is outlined: if you take issue with an action by a moderator (usually marked by the green "Staff" tag), you are welcome to bring it up with the Community Management team, that would be Pickysaurus and me - BigBizkit.


If your issue is with either of us, however, then you should bring it up with the site owner - Dark0ne.


Just be aware that accusations against staff are treated very seriously, so please provide evidence of wrongdoing when you file such a report.


The reason we do not allow such accusations publicly is the same as for why we wouldn't allow that for any other user: so that accusation threads don't spiral out of control and turn into a witch hunt. Ultimately things are going to be settled between staff and the user(s) anyway, so I do not believe allowing this sort of thing to take place in public threads is expedient.

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