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Usable Serana's Tomb


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I love the Dimhollow Crypt tomb/locked chamber where we first free Serana. However, it's never used again despite its cool default pose marker and environment. Requesting a mod to re-activate Serana's Dimhollow Crypt tomb and add marker so we can command followers to enter the tomb cylinder and lock them down inside.


This should mean we need to move the purple flame pillars to the correct positions to unlock/lift the tomb, and scramble/reverse to lock/send it back down.



- Quest dialogue mod, non-hostile option to escort Harkon to the tomb, and ironically seal him there forever (or until you feel like releasing him)

- Quest dialogue mod, escort Serana's mother Valerica out of soul cairn and seal her in tomb (motivation can be believed variable, for her safety or for the world's safety)


Thank you!

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