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Help with Aura Whisper/Detect Life as an ability on bow equip

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I am a beginner modder and I was able to extend the limitations of Bow of the Stag Prince Blessing from +25 Health/Stam to as much as I want and "unlock" a Magicka boost on the conditions of hunting 50 animals. The thing is, these were simple magic effects that I could just select and modify their duration & condition.


I am trying to add a spell effect like Detect Life or Aura Whisper to work while the bow is equipped and also be unlocked at a certain # of animals hunted threshold which worked with the previous effects. If possible, even add incrementing duration the more I hunt. I am stuck trying to add it to the bow. I played around with the 3 magic effect files as well as the spell files of aura whisper but I get nothing.



I see there is a script named "DLC2defaultAddSpellsOnEquipScript" that is available. Tried putting all 3 stages of the spell file on the script properties and still got nothing. I am trying to not add this as an enchantment but as an equip ability. If this is possible to do, please give me some guidance.

Edited by NexusDovah20
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