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A World of Pain keeps Crashing during Load Screens

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I have been having a lot of issues with trying to get A World Of Pain to work for New Vegas. It's a mod that I really, really enjoy, but I cannot get it to work. Whenever I enter and exit buildings, the game usually crashes during the load screens. The mod requires you to have NVAC, NVSR, and the 4GB patch, and I used all of them - however, the game keeps crashing on me. The only thing I know I've fixed are the 'Out of Memory!' crashes. It's been a very tedious process, but I still can't get it to stop crashing on me. The game runs flawlessly when I don't use AWOP, which is a shame. I really do like the mod - if anyone has any suggestions, it would be appreciated!

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I'll be honest, I finally just had to dump WoP. By the time I thought I had it working, once I went into a " new " area of WoP that I had visited. It started all over again.


Then I realized how many PATCHES was needed for / from other mods to make this work.


What finally took me over the edge was a cave you can go into, but you cannot get out of: KNOWN ISSUE according to the creators.


Do NOT get me wrong, I like the concept and such of WoP. That is why I spent a lot more time than I should have, to make it work. But in the end, it simply was not worth it, to me.

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