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Weather won't change.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Only way I've found to change weather is using an OnActivate event on an activator. Tried putting the change weather script on a XMarkerActivator and a TrapLinker and having it activated by a pull chain. lever, valve, etc and it doesn't work. Tried a OnTrigEnt event which uses MyACTI.Activate(Self) and still doesn't work.

Can anybody explain why this is?


EDIT: Does anybody know what the letters at the end of a weather stand for?

Examples -






and so on.

Edited by antstubell
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If i'm not mistaken the letters in the end represent the region.


Here is a script that i'm using and it's fully functional & always fires.
* I'm only posting the part that interest you, i don't think posting the whole script will help you.
It changes the weather the instant that the player enters the 'Trigger Box', well in fact it does needs a few seconds for the transition to take place.

Weather Property MyWeather01 auto
EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference actronaut)
         If ( actronaut == game.getPlayer() )
           If ( MyWeather01 )
                MyWeather01.ForceActive(True)  ; Set immediately this weather
EVENT onTriggerLeave(objectReference actronaut)
         If ( actronaut == game.getPlayer() )
           If ( MyWeather01 )
                Weather.ReleaseOverride()  ; Release / Stop / Revert to cell's original weather

I hope it helps.
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It all comes down to what and how you want to do it.

- The "ForceActive(True)" sets immediately the desirable weather, but it needs a few seconds, and by "Force" don't expect a blink between the 2 weathers, there is a smooth transition between them.

- The "SetActive()" will make the transition based on, as the 'creation.com' writes:

accelerate any existing transition when the call is made by a factor determined by game setting value fWeatherTransAccel.

So this can be different according to the "fWeatherTransAccel". (timing)

Edited by maxarturo
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"don't expect a blink between the 2 weathers, there is a smooth transition between them."

I blinked, weather changed - it's super NOW. SetActive(True) is a smooth transition but on leaving the trigger box the change back to 'World Weather' is abrupt.

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