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Enabling X-Markers that are not loaded possible?

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Good evening everybody!


I have a (simple) question:



If I have a script (for example on an activator) that will enable an X-Marker a few cells away (not currently loaded), will that X-Marker be enabled when the player gets to that cell?


Or if an activator inside of an interior cell triggers a script that enables a X-Marker in a exterior cell, will that work?




I know that something like this could be done by "setting" a global variable with the activator-script and checking the value of that variable when the X-Marker gets loaded.

I am just wondering if there is a easier way to do this (directly enable / disable that X-Marker) ...


If you know anything about this, let me know here ...

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Yes you can enable/disable unloaded assets, but, the ObjectReference must be persistent if it is not already. That means you should either set them up as;


A script property, or;

Added to a FormList, or;

In a quest reference alias or collection.


If they are not persistent, trying to get/set settings will fail.


Avoid GetFormFromFile if unsure.


Whilst CK hand placed items in ESP/ESL mods are always persistent, hand placed items in ESMs are not.

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At first I was confused when I saw base game objects referenced in script (property, formlist, alias) being highlighted in xEdit as hard changes, so cleaned them up and the script fails. The change is to make them persistent so they can be referenced when unloaded.

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