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NativeTables for UE Explorer


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not sure how the engine handles this, guess there ARE somewhere informations about the nativ functions

But why the trouble ? :P

Just put the binary into any decent disassambler and look for the xrefs to the function string, should bring you to the right point in no time normaly

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Thanks dreadylein, the problem with that though is the anti-debugging measures that the game/Steam probably use and perhaps the grey(er?) area that could be getting into. I could see the function name but it was far from where the actual function was, using isRetailGame as an example.

If it's already known where/how the game locates those functions, it might make the process a bit easier :smile: . I think your suggestion might be the only way though :(

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Did you check for refrences to the adress of this string ? :)


Greyer Area mhm, tbh hooking into a running program would be less of a problem then what we do now, altering a binary ;)

DMCA Countrys is another Topic, but they wouldnt be allowed to reverse anything of the game, like the upks anyway :P

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