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Need help redoing colors on a spell mod

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Been trying for a couple days to figure out how to color the spells in this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25497?tab=description Into shadow spells.


Assets are free to use and been using it to try to make shadow mist magic but I am missing something but I don't know what.


For some reason it renders part of the colors I redid but other half uses the green color which does not make sense since I override it with the shadow colors.

I looked in addons and made sure base textures are replaced with mine but does not seems to work.


Spells I have been trying to recolor is Wall of Poison and later Poison Cloud but if I can't figure out wall of Poison then I wont be able to do poison cloud.


If some one is experienced with coloring spells please help me since been pulling out my hair for days trying to figure this out.

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