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Follower mod that I can give mount


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hi! There are three mounts added to my game from some mods. I gaved one of them to inigo because inigo has a dialogue option that allows me to give him which horse I want. :) I am using the second horse but the third one just disappears when I am not riding it and there is no way to summon or recall him. I am looking for a follower mod that has a dialogue option like inigo. So, I can give the third horse to him/her. if you have seen any follower like this, please leave a comment.


please don't recommend me mount mods like Convenient Horses or others. I am not looking for a horse mod, I am looking for a follower mod which has a dialogue option to give him/her my custom mounts. :)

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The very only mod that you need regarding followers at all is Extensive Follower Framework, it makes followers mount a horse to follow you without even asking: it makes followers chill/relax by a simple command, it allows followers to levelup to keep up with the game, it makes anyone follow-able, it lets you set custom outfits for your companions, it separates the inventory from the equipment inventory so they'll never use anything that you want them to carry but not to use; it lets you teach spells to your companion, all in all very well thought mod.

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