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Extension fails to enable (made for Resident Evil remaster)


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Had a go at creating an extension for the Resident Evil remaster. Unfortunately, it's failing to enable. I was following https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Creating_a_game_extension_for_Vortex


If you could please provide any insight, I would appreciate it! I'm not super experienced with Javascript (yet).


"name": "Game: Resident Evil biohazard HD REMASTER",
"author": "Pawper",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Support for Resident Evil biohazard HD REMASTER"



//Add this to the top of the file
const winapi = require('winapi-bindings');

function findGame() {
try {
const instPath = winapi.RegGetValue(
'SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\GOG.com\\Games\\' + GOGAPP_ID,
if (!instPath) {
throw new Error('empty registry key');
return Promise.resolve(instPath.value);
} catch (err) {
return util.GameStoreHelper.findByAppId([STEAMAPP_ID, GOGAPP_ID])
.then(game => game.gamePath);

// Nexus Mods domain for the game. e.g. nexusmods.com/residentevilbiohazardhdremaster
const GAME_ID = 'residentevilbiohazardhdremaster';

//Steam Application ID, you can get this from https://steamdb.info/apps/
const STEAMAPP_ID = '304240';

//Import some assets from Vortex we'll need.
const path = require('path');
const { fs, log, util } = require('vortex-api');

function main(context) {
//This is the main function Vortex will run when detecting the game extension.
id: GAME_ID,
name: 'Resident Evil biohazard HD REMASTER',
mergeMods: true,
queryPath: findGame,
queryModPath: () => '.',
logo: 'gameart.jpg',
executable: () => 'bhd.exe',
requiredFiles: [
setup: prepareForModding,
environment: {
details: {
steamAppId: STEAMAPP_ID,
gogAppId: GOGAPP_ID,

return true

module.exports = {
default: main,


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It's not a bad first effort, so here's a tip.


If your extension fails to load, you can go to extensions tab to find out why. With the current code it looks like this:




While you can't see the entire message. It's saying "prepareForModding" is not a function. Which is correct.


So you need to do the following:

  • Remove the line "setup: prepareForModding," as you have not set a prepareForModding function.
  • Remove the line "gogAppId: GOGAPP_ID," as you have not set a GOG App ID.


After that, the extension should load.


Hope this helps.

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