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Call to scripting savvy modders (help the community)


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There are a couple of excellent mods needing some scripting love as they have a number of issues, but in all these years, i haven't seen anyone making a patch from them.

Shame too as they were..are.. good ones actually.


So if you understand scripting (hieroglyphs to me sadly) and have some time to spare, why not help out? :smile:


There's more than those i'll be listing below, but off the top of my old head and in no particular order:


- Hlaalu Business: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/39698

A fair number of issues, am linking to our own site rather than its original location (mw mod history) as the comments should be a good start regarding its numerous bugs.

We have plenty of content (not textures or "immersion", content) mods for both a warrior and a mage playthrough, but precious few for an assassin/scoundrel one. Anything of worth would be a welcome addition.


- NPCs enhanced: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-65-8309

Has a seemingly slight issue, namely the scripting.. 'logic'..? gets stuck at times and you get a script warning error about weapons and/or ammunition missing and should you continue running the script? Seemingly minor, except when it pops up during combat, every time, it gets bad fast. I had a look in its script, syntax is all over, did my best to make it uniform on my own, progressed some, though still getting an error, albeit now only occasionally and always about bone arrows missing? Easy to find where bone arrows are 'added', except i cannot find what the problem is.

Real shame as mods like these are needed, game is supidly easy by default.


* Note that by today, one is meant to run the above with this one: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-15-5608

It replaces MWE functions with equivalent MWSE ones. Might be this needs a look into as well?


- Regionally known criminals: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-53-10028

Crashes during startup, a lot. You manage to actually load that first save, all good and it will never bother you again, works fine. Except as mentioned and always, only when first starting up the game, it has a tendency of crashing the client. It loads once, you can save and load as many times as you want, all good.

It's always something about an 'RKC Town Setup' failing, again script related.


There are more, will update when they spring to mind.


Thank you for reading, and hopefully someone will step up.


Edited by Aenra2
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