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Can't assign robots to a clothing emporium.


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I have this settlement I've been fiddling around with that's inhabited entirely by robots. I've just hit a problem where I cannot assign a robot, any robot, to a "Clothing emporium" (level 3 store). I can assign robots to all of the other emporiums though (Armor, Weapons, General).

Any attempt at assigning a robot to a clothing emporium is met with the bot giving me whatever "I can't do that, boss" line is part of their voice pack.


"What mods are You running?"


Seriously, I've got 117 plugins active on a game I've sunk about 200+ hours worth of playtime into.

I'm hoping someone here has a not/barely modded install of the game, and would be willing to try to assign a robot to a clothing emporium for Me, so We can find out if this is mod related, or yet another case of "It just works©®".


Thanks in advance.

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