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full guide for custom weapons?

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Hello there, I'm a bit new to Skyrim modding and I've been having trouble with something. I am working on getting the Power Sword from the Power Rangers franchise(pic below). In terms of completion I have gotten the sword to appear in game despite not being able to pick it up, a shown model in inventory, and being able to use it when I attack. My difficulties as of now is that the sword is fixed at the bottom of my feet at all times even when attacking. The attack is still being registered but the sword won't leave it's position. The final thing is that the textures do not appear whatsoever, I have the dds files and stuff but they don't seem to want to load. If it's possible can you lead me to a full guide that can help me figure out my problem from start to finish, if you are able to help me out directly that would be even better. If you have any questions or would like me to provide more in terms of photos and or video then feel free to contact me.

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