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hCaptcha is very inconvenient


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It always ask me to choose pictures every time and the pictures are often problematic, such as asking for motorbus with many pics that only show a quarter of vehicle with wheels that could be a motorbus or box truck, asking for planes when there is none on the list, and so on. 1 mistake and it repeat the process, asking for something else. Too infuriating and inconvenient imo, takes too much effort to look closely at pictures. Please get less infuriating captcha. This one is really bad in comparison of other captcha around the internet.

Also, 9 pictures captcha is an annoying type. I often change my mind to login/visit when I see one. I'd rather fill 12 digit of normal captcha because i only have to observe 1 pic and can do it rather fast. With 9 pictures, they are separate and tiny, often unclear/vague, have to look closely, really hard work in comparison to normal captcha. And I have bad exp with it that when I am sure I have the right choices, the system simply decide they are wrong and repeat from zero again, and I have to observe another 9 tiny pics looking for something else.

Please get captcha that is both functional for security and convenient to users.

Edited by isaac331
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I do not find them difficult, but, unlike Google, I am getting them every bloody time I go to log in. Last night, I had 7 pages to deal with before it stopped... :facepalm:

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I do not find them difficult, but, unlike Google, I am getting them every bloody time I go to log in. Last night, I had 7 pages to deal with before it stopped... :facepalm:

This is one of my point. It is often problematic, seemingly frequent wrong detections on their end, resulting in reset again and again. reCaptcha seem to be a lot better in this aspect than hCaptcha. Meanwhile there are 4 digits traditional captcha and open circle captcha (lots of circles, you must click on 1 open circle, solved in 1 click) that I regularly meet, so the resets from hCaptcha felt very not user-friendly in comparison.

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We are currently looking into an issue where it seems users must always complete a hCaptcha challenge, which is not how it is intended to work.


It may go without saying but the more "paranoid" your browsing environment, the more likely you are to have to complete multiple challenges.


The best way to avoid the challenge entirely is to allow the site to store cookies on your PC so that you only have to see the login screen once every month or so at most.

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My privacy settings are still what they were when we had to deal with Google, and I would get the reCaptcha randomly. I tend to clear my browser cache at the end of every session, and I seemed to get the reCaptcha more often when I the cache was cleared as apposed to when it was not. *shrugs*

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I tend to clear my browser cache at the end of every session, and I seemed to get the reCaptcha more often when I the cache was cleared as apposed to when it was not. *shrugs*



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