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Extended Repair Kits Warning.


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Ever since I upgraded to nvse_5_1_Beta 6 whenever I launch my game I get this warning:



RepairKit.esp has recompiled all scripts. This is dangerous to your save game. Quit and remove the mod from your load order or clean it of ITMs using FNVEdit.


It flashes pretty fast so I had to make a screenshot to read the message in it's entirety. I checked in FNVEdit and the mod has no ITMs, actually it looks like a very clean mod. I do not believe this is a valid warning and so far I have played a number of hours with the updated nvse with no problems. While the warning does not affect game play it is annoying and I wonder if anyone has an idea on how to remove this warning?

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It is a valid warning. (Glad to hear it is now detected.)


When someone uses the GECK command to "recompile all scripts", it causes EVERY script currently loaded into the GECK (all from vanilla and DLC and mods) to be recompiled and included in the modified plugin which is currently "active". While that might seem to not be a "bad thing", it means that every other plugin file (including those of the vanilla game) gets overridden by that plugin and will cause problems for those other plugins because those scripts will now have the mod index of the modified plugin instead of the originals, which will cause errors for everything referencing them. The problem won't be within that mod, but in everything else: breaking them all.


When you checked for ITMs did you load your entire "load order" before the check?


Please inform the mod author. They are the one who has to fix this.



Edited by dubiousintent
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I did post this on the mod page "Post".


When I checked for ITMs I loaded FNVEdit right clicked in the pane and clicked "select none" then selected "Extended Repair Kit.esp" hit OK , right clicked on the mod , selected "apply filter for cleaning" ran that right clicked on the mod and selected "Remove "Identical to Master Records", of which there were none. The mod also came up green after running "apply filter for cleaning" which, in my experience, is uncommon for a mod in relation to it's masters.


I have been playing for a number of hours with no problems which is why I thought this was a false positive. I just might keep playing until something breaks. I do not know any other way to check for ITMs or UDRs. I did not upgrade xEdit as I do not want to use their "Auto Clean" option and after 4_0_1 you had no choice if you wanted to clean a file.


I would welcome any more feedback you may have.



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If the only mod you are loading into FNVEdit is the mod in question, then it has no "masters" to compare to for ITMs. (My memory isn't up to recalling if the procedure you describe will actually load them automatically. I always scroll back up to double check that "masters" I know need to be included are "checked/enabled/selected"; and there are none shown in "red" which means they are "missing". Sometimes these "red entries" are "false positives" which clear up as soon as I click on (but do not "select the checkbox" for) them.) At a minimum you need to see loaded the "master files" for the game, which should at least always include "Fallout.ESM". (Please see the wiki "Missing Masters" article.)


If this is what you meant as the actual result, then it is possible the "warning" is a "false positive" which you should discuss on the xEdit Discord Server. (As I recall there is a link in the upper right corner of FNVEdit.) Elminster will definitely want to hear about that.


At a minimum I would make note of and be sure to save the last "save game" file prior to including that mod in your playthrough so you can revert to it when things do break.



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When I first started using xEdit you would have to enter the masters yourself as well as the mod you were working with. You could find that mods masters by clicking on it in the plugins pane in NMM and it would list the masters on the right, and still does so. However for some years now you would only have to select the mod you want to work with and xEdit would load the mods Masters automatically.


I very rarely install mods in a running game and I have not done so in this game. This means if I were to uninstall this mod I would have to start a new game "if" things break.


As I have been playing for some time with no problems I see no reason to uninstall the mod at this time.


I will post this on the xEdit Discord server as you suggested. I do not have an account with Discord and have no interest in creating one so if I do need to sign in with Discord to post this I will be unable to do so.


Thank you for your replies.

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I installed the RepairKit.esp and looked at it in FNVEdit. There are no scripts in it except for the ones it needs. I started the game with it and did not get that error message.


I opened the mod in the GECK and tried to do the "Compile all scripts" command, but nothing happened. It seems to be no-oped by NVSE or the GECK Extender.


The mod modifies unused vanilla items (a global and a quest) instead of creating new ones. That would conflict with any other that did the sane thing.

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I was playing with the mod with no problem until I upgraded to nvse beta 6 and the next time I launched the game I got that message.I believe it may be some kind of interaction with my mod load or system and is probably something that you cannot duplicate. I do not think it means much of anything. The damn thing flashes by so fast that you cannot read it in its entirety before it is gone. I would like to know how to get rid of it but it is really just a minor nuisance so I guess I will just live with it.

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So this error message is actually coming from "nvse beta 6"? My apologies, I missed that point originally. You might want to enable "logging" (in the "nvse_config.ini" file) and check the NVSE log, as that is usually where such "flashing" messages end up. (See the 'Checklist Item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.) Depending upon the log contents, you might want to mention it to that development team as it is also currently undergoing work.



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The warning is from my Tweaks plugin (versions 5.20 and above).
I checked the mod and it is overwriting the two unused vanilla scripts that I check for recompiled all. No mod should do this, since it will conflict with any other mod that also overwrites the vanilla script.

If you want to ignore the error you can add

bShowRecompiledAllScriptsWarning = 0

to nvse_stewie_tweaks.ini.

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Thank you both for your replies, they are much appreciated.


I just want to tell Stewie that his mod has become a staple in my mod load and I would not think of playing FNV without his tweaks.


I will add that line and if subsequently my game breaks I will have no one to blame but myself.


Dubious...When it comes to advice I usually recommend the Steam forums for Legendary and SSE Skyrim, no disrespect to Nexus forums intended. But when it comes to FNV I recommend this forum mainly because of the helpful and knowledgeable advice you are so willing to give. Keep doing what you do.



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