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Restored/renewed Draugr armor?


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So for a while I've always wanted to get a hand on the Draugr armor Draugr Deathlords and other high leveled Draugr use but restored, using similar colors as the original, not so torn up chain mail along it, maybe some tail armor to go along with it for beast races to craft and lastly being much more defensive that the Hoary Nord armor sets from the Immersive armor/creature mod, maybe akin to ebony stats or maybe reinforced sets that are just upgrades to the base armor stat, requiring the previous tier armor with more and more bits added until it looks like a deathlord set but not so weathered and more resistant to undead but I've never really seen any mods that add a variation of the set in this way.


If anyone were to make this armor I had the idea to name it around something with Crypts but it ain't my call to name it


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