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Hello everybody, my idea of a mod that would implement an area, could be an arena like amphitheater (Colosseum), could be a cage, could be any suitable location for fighting.


So at that place 2 or 4 (2 pairs) of NPC could be set up for a duel till the first goes down on his/her knees (bleed-out) or die if the selected NPC are mortals.

The number of contenders (2 or 4) and if they would be immortal or not could be selected by the mod's MCM, as well as their available equipment (armor, weapon, same for both sides).


There could be spectators with voices recorded from films related to such theme.

There could be prizes for the winners of ladder like tournaments such as a honorary title "Champion of Skyrim" plus a full set of golden armor with matched weaponry (Midas collection).


It is very important that the player to have full control regarding the selection of NPC rather than be some random non unique characters.

As a matter of fact I had follower mods in mind as participants.

It would be an immersive and practical way to trial by combat the skills of any given follower.


What do you think, any taker?

Edited by SkyFall69
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