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wastelandNV 000DA726 removal = MASSIVE preformance boost. BUT...


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I did some digging in FNVEdit and found that nearly ALL mods have the entry Worldspace \ 000DA726 <WastelandNV>

But all mods have identical values and no conflicts with master (except for a few mods like Functional Post Game ending, but they end up being overwritten anyway)

I figured if they're all the same and merely spam the game with identical values, I can delete all of them except for the master and/or last mod in load order.

doing so instantly gave a 10-15 fps boost and further minimized ticks and drops, but I noticed that at least one of the mod's stopped working without any errors or "some content in this save is unavailable"

Which happened to be Simple Street Lights (extra lights) since it places extra light posts in certain areas, and they were gone.

First, do all mods stop working without their own 000DA726 wastelandNV entry?

since the entry is identical to master anyway, why?


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Speaking in very general terms, most mods are going to have that entry because they are ADDING something to that worldspace (which IIRC is the general "Mojave" exterior landscape). Such are not going to "conflict" as long as they are not overwriting/replacing/removing something in the master file version. Such "additions" depend upon the mod in question but can be anything up to and including "interior cell" portals (doors to buildings and other worldspaces like DLCs).


It is best to assume the author/GECK had a valid reason to include that entry. Just because you haven't noticed an immediate change after removing the entry doesn't mean one isn't there.



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Placing items in a worldspace or interior will add a record of that worldspace or interior to your plugin, otherwise your placed items can't exist. If you delete the WastelandNV worldspace from a mod, you're also deleting everything that mod added to the WastelandNV worldspace. This explains the performance boost you've gotten and why your streetlights are gone.


These identical to master records are mostly harmless, since most mods only place items and don't edit the worldspace or interior data. If you have a mod that actually does edit the worldspace or interior data, probably a lighting or weather mod, you want to make sure it loads after every other mod that includes it, or make a patch that includes your desired changes.

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