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Crash on Dead Money Start


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I've looked for threads everywhere related to this topic or just memory crashes in general, but I could not find anything that would work. Whenever I start Dead Money, I get gassed, the slideshow plays, then a loading screen comes up, the fans on my computer speed up, and then the game crashes before I can even make it into the DLC. I get an error message from Microsoft Visual C++ saying "R6016: Not Enough Space for Thread Data." I have tried every memory fix I can think of. I have 4GB patcher, NVAC, various NVSE plugins, I tried ENBoost, OGGVorbis, made tweaks to my ini files, and I have also tried things I have seen in other threads related to crashing at the start of Dead Money. I've emptied my inventory, even removing quest items and turning off hardcore. I started a new game, teleported to the bunker with the console with literally only the starting items on me, and still crashed. I have tried uninstalling large mods like NMCs and Ojo Bueno to see if it would reduce memory usage, but it still crashes. Normal gameplay is stutter and crash free, but when I go to play Dead Money my game just fails. Any help would be appreciated.

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Are you by any chance playing in "hard core" mode? If so, make sure you are fully rested and have met all your "needs" before entering the bunker room.


The "space" mentioned could be either "system memory" or "video memory", which in the latter case might be separate VRAM if you are using a video adapter card, or might be coming out of your "system memory" pool if you are using an "onboard" video chip (typical for laptops and notebooks). Please see the wiki "Display resolution versus Image Size" article. While "ENBoost" can help, you may need to switch to lower resolution/ smaller sized images or even lower quality in your game graphics configuration.

We REALLY need to see a "load order" as produced by "LOOT"; to include the main game and DLC files. (Screenshots don't work so well for the purpose.) With modded games its the sequence, not merely the list of mods, which is the cause of many problems. LOOT's sort gives a good first approximation, correcting the most obvious issues and is sufficient for most players. You can make minor adjustments to the order and tell LOOT how to remember them. It's in the on-line documentation under "Metadata". Instructions on how to copy it's list for posting are in the "How to ask for help" article, and "Checklist Item #11' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Finally: Note that "JIP LN NVSE" has recently required the Visual C++ 2015-19 x86 Redistributable. If you recently updated that, it might be related.


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Are you by any chance playing in "hard core" mode? If so, make sure you are fully rested and have met all your "needs" before entering the bunker room.


The "space" mentioned could be either "system memory" or "video memory", which in the latter case might be separate VRAM if you are using a video adapter card, or might be coming out of your "system memory" pool if you are using an "onboard" video chip (typical for laptops and notebooks). Please see the wiki "Display resolution versus Image Size" article. While "ENBoost" can help, you may need to switch to lower resolution/ smaller sized images or even lower quality in your game graphics configuration.


We REALLY need to see a "load order" as produced by "LOOT"; to include the main game and DLC files. (Screenshots don't work so well for the purpose.) With modded games its the sequence, not merely the list of mods, which is the cause of many problems. LOOT's sort gives a good first approximation, correcting the most obvious issues and is sufficient for most players. You can make minor adjustments to the order and tell LOOT how to remember them. It's in the on-line documentation under "Metadata". Instructions on how to copy it's list for posting are in the "How to ask for help" article, and "Checklist Item #11' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Finally: Note that "JIP LN NVSE" has recently required the Visual C++ 2015-19 x86 Redistributable. If you recently updated that, it might be related.



Here's my load order, straight from LOOT:

0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
11 b oHUD.esm
12 c Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
13 d FreesideOpen.esm
14 e Functional Post Game Ending.esm
15 f New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
16 10 NVStripOpen.esm
17 11 Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
18 12 Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
19 13 GreatKhanGreatOverhaul.esm
20 14 WeAreLegion.esm
21 15 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
22 16 Unofficial Patch NVSE.esp
23 17 Vurt's WFO.esp
24 18 DarNifiedUINV.esp
25 19 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
26 1a Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.esp
27 1b EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp
28 1c EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp
29 1d dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
30 1e New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
31 1f New Vegas Redesigned 3 (No Fort).esp
32 20 New Vegas Redesigned 3 Path Fixing.esp
33 21 Boacombat2glove.esp
34 22 BoomersGoBoom.esp
35 23 outsidebets.esp
36 24 NCROverhaul.esp
37 25 RaiderOverhaulPreview.esp
38 26 RadiationSuitFO4Overhaul.esp
39 27 DragsNPCOverhaul.esp
40 28 Better Burned Man.esp
41 29 pipboy2500_edisleado.esp
42 2a FreesideOpenPatch.esp
43 2b Asterra's Many Fixes.esp
44 2c EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
45 2d FO4 Power Armors - FNV Standard Edition.esp
46 2e boa ncrpahelmet.esp
47 2f BrotherhoodReforged.esp
48 30 StripOpenMain.esp
49 31 Functional Post Game Ending - Outside Bets Patch.esp
50 32 PowderIsTheNewBlack.esp
51 33 FO4 Power Armors - FNV Compatibility Edition.esp
52 34 rotfacetoriches.esp
53 35 Functional Post Game Ending - Strip Open Patch.esp
54 36 Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esp
55 37 NukaCola-Ojo.esp
56 38 YUP - Base Game + All DLC-EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
57 39 Asurah_reanimation.esp
58 3a JustModsAssorted.esp
59 3b RWD-NV v1.3 [Alternative Version].esp
60 3c ILO - YUP Patch.esp
61 3d MuchNeededLOD.esp
62 3e LimestoneLOD.esp
63 3f HeroesOfTheApocalypse.esp
64 40 WeAreLegion.esp
65 41 The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
66 42 Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
67 43 FNVLODGen.esp
68 44 tmzLODadditions.esp
69 45 WeaponModsExpanded.esp
70 46 MarksmanReduxREPLACER.esp
71 47 HoloRedux.esp
72 48 WMX-DLCMerged.esp
73 49 WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp
74 4a WMX-POPMerged.esp
75 4b WMX-EVE_ALL_DLC.esp
76 4c YUP-WMX Patch.esp
77 4d Bashed Patch, 0.esp
78 4e Legion Quests Expanded.esp
79 4f YUP - Base Game + All DLC-Legion Quests Expanded.esp
80 50 FNVMerged.esp
81 51 TFH Lucky Shades Replacer.esp
82 52 WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp
83 53 FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - All DLC.esp
84 54 FNV RWL All DLC - Brighter Nights.esp
Also, I do play in hardcore mode but I turned it off when attempting to start the DLC. Forgot to mention that in my initial post. I always run the game at my native resolution, 1920x1080p. I have a laptop, but it has a nVidia GTX 1050ti at 4GB of VRAM so I think 1920x1080p is more than doable. I did not have the most recent Visual C++ version installed, but after installing it nothing changed.
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You have three conflicting versions of EVE installed. As you have all the DLCs installed, use only the 'EVE FNV - ALL DLC' version. Similar applies to the WMX plugins.


* Don't install every optional file for a mod. Read the install instructions carefully. Optional files need to be selected on a "case by case" basis. For example: with any mod you usually only need one ESP (and possibly one ESM) "base" file depending upon whether you have all the DLCs active or not. Only if you don't have them all active do you need to install any specific DLC versions if there is an "Ultimate Edition/All/Merged DLC" version.


Your "Bashed Patch" file belongs at the bottom of the "load order" list. LOOT will automatically put it there, so you apparently failed to run it again after adding some mods. If you take a look at the last section of the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article it will tell you how to rename your "FNVMerged" file so it will also get automatically placed in the correct sequence by LOOT. You should re-run LOOT every time you add or remove a mod to your "load order".


[Edit: I just discovered that your TTW LO is following the current advice of the TTW team. They know what is best for TTW, so you can ignore what I said in the paragraph about the "Bashed Patch" placement.]

* Do not use an "Auto-purge" mod for game play. (That was old advice from before we knew better.) They are designed for debugging by mod creator's only, according to the author of the JIP extensions to NVSE. See the 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu', "Cause-2", "Solution-3" entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide for the game settings that do the same job.

I'm not seeing anything to cause your problem with DM, but you also have a number of mods I am not familiar with. I'm hopeful the above will resolve the problem (they can't hurt), but perhaps someone else will spot something. Otherwise you will have to try the technique detailed in the 'Mod Conflict Isolation' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.


Edited by dubiousintent
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