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UFO's The Basis for What?


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Yeah, I really didn't think much of the video.... The aircraft is in a pretty hard bank, but, I don't see any of the heading, altitude, or airspeed numbers changing....... That's pretty much impossible to do........ especially in that hard of a turn.


At this point, I am extremely skeptical about the whole 'visitation' thing. I agree, that is NOT something that could be kept secret for 7 decades. Too many people would know about it, and the odds of ALL of them keeping quiet about it, are VERY close to zero.......


Unless we go with the line from Independence Day ... "plausible deniability Mr President".


:D Yeah, there is that... but still, you know there would be a Snowden in there somewhere. :) Especially after 70 years.

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Yeah, I really didn't think much of the video.... The aircraft is in a pretty hard bank, but, I don't see any of the heading, altitude, or airspeed numbers changing....... That's pretty much impossible to do........ especially in that hard of a turn.


At this point, I am extremely skeptical about the whole 'visitation' thing. I agree, that is NOT something that could be kept secret for 7 decades. Too many people would know about it, and the odds of ALL of them keeping quiet about it, are VERY close to zero.......


Unless we go with the line from Independence Day ... "plausible deniability Mr President".


:D Yeah, there is that... but still, you know there would be a Snowden in there somewhere. :smile: Especially after 70 years.



Just being my usual me. At least I didn't go looking for a GIF clip of the line from the movie! Did you get any sun today on your side of the crick? The guys over Flint direction decided to send us some showers to wrap up the afternoon.

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It was actually pretty nice out today. We had some dark clouds, but, that was it. Low 70's, nice breeze, fair bit of sun. Too bad I have a cold, and can't enjoy it. :D Hopefully feelin' better tomorrow. Already feel better today, than I did yesterday. Yesterday sucked, so, I slept thru most of it. :D


Edited by HeyYou
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LOL ... even without the Welcome to Earth title I knew the exact scene. Maybe not the most sophisticated flick in my collection but it's always on my summer watching list. "Hello boys ... I'm back!"


You can blame me for any of the bad parts through the day. I spent yesterday getting all my ducks lined up for doing some fiberglass work on the dingy in the back yard. The gray gloomy clouds weren't a deterrent to getting the glass on, but the rain I kept seeing on the weather radar was. By afternoon I'd switched gears to thinking maybe chase the lawnmover around the yard instead. No sooner had the thought and the rain that the Flint crowd had shipped out earlier arrived.


I did play some Oblivion though, so the day hasn't been a total loss.

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But, but ... Isn't the weather controlled by supa seqwet planes being flown out of Area 51, that are destroying the atmosphere and making frogs gay?



Seriously though, why is it so hard to believe that "something" may be occurring of the "ET" kind? I'm not suggesting that we should believe every blurry photo, or every (sigh, blurry) video or (sigh, blurry) eye witness account. But is it so impossible to imagine that maybe "something" has visited earth in the past or present?


We have certainly sent enough crap into space, even in a relatively short time span, and currently have junk that is outside of what is generally considered our solar system's "zone". Into "interstellar" space as it were. And those pieces of earthling technology, very well may one day bump into something ... or someone.


So is it truly that hard to imagine that perhaps there might just be an intelligent species somewhere "out there" that's just a little more advanced than we are, or a little older - perhaps their version of the Persians, or Egyptians, or Romans weren't defeated, so technology perhaps advanced more quickly than ours ( imagine if the Great Library of Alexandria hadn't been destroyed? ) - Might they have also sent out a piece of tech just like we did, and that it actually bumped into us?

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The best part is we even sent a roadmap along, in case they weren't quitre sure where the little piece of space junk that showed up came from. If they never got around to visiting our neck of the woods before finding Vger1 or 2, we did all we could to show them how to find us.


I think Ellies dad (David Morse) summed up where I am with the question "Are we alone" ...


"If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space"

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Ooohh ... Love me some fan theories! Like the one that suggests that VGER's "friends" were actually the progenitor's of the Borg. But given that Voyager would, in galactic terms, barely be outside our solar system, it could never reach as far as the Delta Quadrant in only a few hundred years. Which means that the "Borg" or their ancestors would have essentially already have been in our neighbourhood to discover Voyager. Which kinda breaks "canon" from TNG that The Borg didn't know about Earth until the 25th century ... Oh well.




Ahh, Fermi's paradox :happy: I'm imagining him sitting around that table and shouting (in his best impersonation of Samuel L Jackson) ... "So where T* F* is everyone!?!?!"

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I find it highly likely that there is indeed other life out there among the stars. Given the number of earth-like planets, odds are good that some of them developed life. Have they visited us? That's still open for debate..... Leonard Nimoy did a thing on "In search of ancient aliens." That was quite some time ago, but, some of the circumstantial evidence tended to indicate that something happened.... Or maybe it was just folks with a good imagination..... The biggest question I have is, Is faster than light travel, by whatever method, even possible? So far, the answer seems to be 'no'..... So, in order for anyone to visit us, they would have to be significantly more advanced than we are, or, exceptionally long lived.


Consider, at our current level of technology, it would take us almost 70,000 YEARS to make it to the nearest star. That just isn't practical. Not even for a generation ship. Besides, who would want to go on such a mission, knowing they would die in space?

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Couple of things that always stick in my mind about the "evidence" or it's nay sayer's. One is, how much "circumstantial" evidence does it require before you kinda have to say "well, that's a LOT of evidence". And two, In order to "imagine" something you at least have to have some frame of reference, some tiny kernel of "truth" or known data to base you imaginings on.


As for the trip to Proxima Centauri, I think we have technologies that could get a vehicle their significantly faster than 70,000 years. It would still take generations, but with things like Ion propulsion, that have an almost uncapped impulse speed, the craft, whatever it may be, could probably reach a speed that would get it there within several lifetimes. Still not much good for you or I, but significant for the human race as a whole. Of course I don't think there's much to see around the suburbs of Proxima Centauri, so we might have to aim a little further away.


Don't forget that gravity is pretty weak, in truth. You could conceivably walk into orbit (notwithstanding the breathing and temperature difficulties) Space Craft propulsion today mostly relies on large amounts of "thrust" to get moving, which is a "one off" or short term boost to speed, which requires ridiculous amounts of fuel. But "impulse" drives have very little fuel requirements, and they can keep firing virtually forever, meaning you can accelerate to arbitrarily high speeds. IIRC, this is how many of the later, current and future space probes go/are careening about the solar system.


Oh, and on a slight tangent - I'd gladly sign up for a trip like that in a heartbeat! Not that they'd let an olde fart like me on board, but I reckon I could still father a few kids before I was thrown out the airlock

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One of the problems raised by going fast is this ... OK now I need to stop (or at least slow down). As is often the case, what you gained at the apple bin you need to give back when you get to the oranges. Time is still your enemy.


Or you could just keep on keeping on and snap some nice pictures as you streak by.


I'm with you guys that it is a very interesting question ... have we been visited before? Some of the "artifacts" we see today (e.g. Nazca Lines) do make me wonder whether or not there was any actual contact. I'm picturing ancient humans seeing something in the sky that is so far beyond anything in their experience that they attribute it to Gods. We do have a fairly extensive history of creating monuments to the Gods (along with little buildings purposed to make sure the "important people" get to their version of heaven ... ya I'm looking at you pyramids).


On Hey's question concerning faster than light or not, I wonder what doorways may open up once we can unify quantum and physical realms. What possibilities are hidden from us now in those rolled up dimensions of String theory (if it is in fact a true direction to unification)?


Ya, I've done some reading of Brian Greene's work, watched some YouTubes:


- a talk on his third book (second that I have read). Edited by Striker879
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